All Good Things Come to an End (except for Piglia’s book because WTF was that. It should’ve ended a page into the book)

I’ve read 10 entire books! Probably more than I have ever read in a year, nowadays. I came into this course with the obvious idea that I will be reading many books, but I never thought it’d be this much. I think what I anticipated to have accomplished from this course has been done. That is to bring back my passion and time for reading. I’m so glad that I have taken my chance on this course, to take it. Also, I’m beyond grateful that I had the many opportunities to achieve my goals through this course that has easily allowed flexibility in doing so. 

My favourite book has to be “Death with Interruptions” by José Saramago probably because of the heavy amount of political and economic aspects of the book. Also, I can’t help but mention “The Hour of the Star” written by Clarice Lispector.  I’m just obsessed with the author herself and how she writes literature in a way that isn’t so complicated and in a stupid way (sorry to some of the other books). Lispector doesn’t do too much, and is rather a lot more relaxed in her writing. I’d definitely read her other books, despite this course being over. Random, but sometimes I do imagine if Lispector was still alive and came in to talk to us about her book. I’m a little crazy for even thinking that, but honestly you can’t tell me there wouldn’t be other people in this class that’d be interested in this. 

I don’t like hating books haha… because I think there is usually that one little thing that you can like in a book. Personally though “Money to burn” by Ricardo Piglia was intolerable to read, mostly because of the very vulgar style of writing. I think there was some substantive action in the book, through the plot that made it a little interesting. HOWEVER, I CAN’T HELP BUT STILL HATE IT.

Aside from all these last concluding thoughts, I’d like to give Dr. Jon Beasley-Murray a big thank you for arranging such a cool course. I never have had a contact- based course in university, and also an instructor with such liveliness! The lecture videos were such a vibe to watch. I’d dim down my lights to bring in some warm ambiance, and sip the drink pairing given if it was something that I could have, along with watching the videos. 

Additionally, I don’t want to forget to thank both TA’s, Tesi and Daniel. For making insightful comments on our posts, holding that one discussion for us when the class time schedules had some conflict, and posting our blog posts at the break of dawn (for me at least haha). 


Question: When watching the lecture videos, reading the book, or writing the blog post, what was the overall ambiance you created when doing those activities?

4 thoughts on “All Good Things Come to an End (except for Piglia’s book because WTF was that. It should’ve ended a page into the book)

  1. Kritika Singh

    Hey! Thank you for sharing your last blog post! I also feel that I did not think that I will be reading so many books in this course and probably it is more than I have ever read in a whole year.
    – Kritika Singh

  2. Maxene

    Hey Adia!
    First thank you for being my friend in this class, you are such a lovely individual :). Second I’m glad we share our hate for money to burn. Third, honestly to answer your question I mostly read in bed and did the video lectures at my desk. Very boring I know. Finally, I hope you have an amazing summer! Hopefully see you next year.

  3. granu

    …If there’s one Money to Burn fan, it’s me. If there are zero Money to Burn fans, I’m dead.
    I had a great time working with you! All the best!
    – gabby

  4. Tes

    Adia, you read so many books! I’m glad the class contributed to get you back to love books. Uuu, I would’ve loved the change to talk to Lispector! Her other books are also extremely good if you ever get around to them. Thanks for your feedback about the class structure and the contract.



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