Letter of Application


Dear English 301 99A Cohort,


Please review this letter of interest in forming a professional collaborative writing group. It is my hope as a team we may be able to formulate an efficient and effective group to tackle the objectives of the course. As a fourth-year History student with a minor in International Relations, my studies have allowed me to develop solid research and writing skills as well as a greater understanding of world-systems on both the micro and macro level. As my subject of study is predominantly heavily written base I have accumulated a large portfolio of papers as well as respective skills in working with others in a timely and respectful manner. I believe that my ability to process large volumes of written information promptly and produce concise written works would prove myself a valuable candidate to any prospective team.

Outside of academia, I have been given the opportunity to work with professors in a more professional setting. In the UBC archives, I worked alongside my peers in digitizing records for the school’s online database sharpening my organizational skills and adaptability in learning relevant software programs. Later at the Museum of Anthropology, I worked with my professors in digitizing and categorizing the MOA’s extensive collection of African artifacts. My work at the MOA required extensive research through the museum’s online image catalogue and cross-referencing to determine the approximate date, region of origin, and cultural use. In both positions communication with other members in a timely and efficient manner was crucial in preventing backlogs and determining relevant information to specific objects.

It is my personal belief as a life-long learner that I strive to better myself through self-reflection and learning from others of different backgrounds. It is my aim in the course to sharpen my technical professional writing skills so that I may progress my existing abilities. In doing so I will review feedback, Dr. Paterson’s blog and course resources ensuring I am up to date on both what I could be doing better as well as expectations.

As peers and collaborators, I aim to provide support and understanding to help strengthen our initiative and provide a welcoming environment. For all these reasons, I believe myself to be a valuable asset to any team and look forward to working with my classmates.

Thank you for your time in reading my letter, I hope to hear back from any requests to create a team. Please feel free to reach out to me at adrimroz@gmail.com.




Adrianna Mroz

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