

My name is Adrianna I’m a past history student completing my work remotely as I currently live in Yellowknife, NT. When I first moved to Vancouver from Ontario I expected my studies to be primarily focused in the Fine Arts and was quite surprised to find myself two years later, having strayed quite far, majoring in History with a minor in International Relations.  History is not only the study of people and the past, but in many ways, it is also an encompassing view of our future. A desire to understand current global and political climates has instilled in me an appreciation of archival research and the delicate reality that often history provides its students with a window into a future that will not be heeded. Throughout my academic career, I feel I have expanded my understanding of both local, national,  and global positioning that has had a great impact on both my wishes for the future and career. The next decade of our lives will determine the ecological health of our world and  I hope to play some part in changing it for the better.

During my last few years at UBC I was able to take advantage of a few positions the school had to offer. I was able to work as a tutor at Britianna Highschool (near the Downtown Eastside) in both their regular afterschool program as well as their piloting one aimed at incentivizing at-risk students with money and food in exchange for attendance. Having a first-hand look at not only the disproportionate demographic in the program and the reality many of my students lived in – mixed with the sudden realization that I enjoy teaching math and science, has encouraged me to pursue a future career in teaching.  I hope to instill a greater sense of appreciation for both our earth and history to our next generation.