MakerBot Wants you to Buy a Teacher a 3D Printer

As kids we always like to tinker around with whatever we are holding, no matter what that object actually was. Never in my wildest dreams that I had envision something called a “3D Printer” actually exists. MakerBot Industries is doing just that. They are a “3D Printing company” that has a vision of letting kids play around and experience the products of a 3D Printer.WOW, I could not imagine how I would feel as a little kid growing up to know that such machine and technology existed. MakerBot plan is to emulate Apple, in terms of getting their machines into schools. While this is costly, they suggested that teachers could raise money from PTA and other sources in order to make this s reality. I think that this is a very corporate socially responsible action that MakerBot is taking. They are making profit with a good clear vision to educate children. Furthermore, 3D printer industry is estimated to be creating a $3 billion job industry. This adds on to the social responsible activities that MakerBot is doing, hence we should all support them.


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