- Instructions on how to access ArcGIS Pro over the internet by remotely logging onto the UBC VPN and then using “Remote Desktop” to use a Geography Department Lab computer.
- Credentials: Your TA has your lab computer login/password you’ll need to sign in. You may receive them in a message from Jose on Canvas as well.
- The first time you sign in to a lab computer this term, you should go to the File Explorer (?), go to the C: drive, go into the ‘Apps’ folder, and double click on the file ‘RunOnce.bat’. This finishes setting your lab account up. Your TA can help if you’re confused.
- Logging off: After you are done with the computer, SIGN OUT. Do not shut down. Do not just close the program.
- Storing your lab data: When using the lab computers, we recommend that you keep your lab data on the H:\ for safekeeping. But when you want to work on it, first copy it from the network drives (H:) to C:\temp\G370\Labx (where ‘x‘ is replaced by a lab number). You can ZIP your files all and move them back and forth in one .zip file if you want. This will speed up logins and logouts to the lab computers and make the network better for everyone. It will also make it easier to follow the instructions (which assume that the Project and associated files are stored in C:\temp\G370\Labx ). But be sure to copy your files back to H:\ at the end of a work session! See this link for more detail.
- Lab Fees: A $20 lab fee is required to cover some of the costs of running the computer lab (payable online; must be paid by the end of January).
- When to use the labs: In addition to your scheduled lab time, when the TA will be accessible, the lab computers will be available 24/7 except when maintenance issues arise. You should, however, respect the times of other labs so that students and their TA have the opportunity to work together during their own session.
- Late Policy: All labs must be handed in by the time specified on Canvas. A penalty of 10% per day will be deducted for late labs. Late labs will only be accepted (for marks) up to one week after they are due. Note that plagiarism is to be avoided in preparing your labs and in your project. Proper citation of all materials is required.
- Our recommendations for writing reports and labs may be useful as a checklist.
- More information on the Geography Computing Labs can be found here.
Lab 0: Resources introducing you to ArcGIS Pro, Python, and Notebooks
- ‘Lab 0’ is here.
- This is not a lab that is to be turned in. It is for your own orientation and reference. But it is important! Take this first week, especially, to work through some of it, and return to it later.
Lab 1: Exploring Linguistic Diversity in Edmonton and Vancouver
- Lab 1 instructions and data are here.
- Download the lab and unzip it into C:\temp\g370\Lab1\
- Double-click on Lab1.aprx (ArcGIS project file) to begin.
- Submit Lab 1 on Canvas.
- Supplemental:
- You all enter lab 1 with different experiences in cartography, yet maps make up a portion of your assessment for lab 1, content and design. These brief resources may help, overall have fun and be thoughtful – Checklist; Checklist; Checklist & Counter-points; ESRI video; short textbook chapter
- Before you start working, please read this information on how to open and handle lab files in this course.
- ArcGIS Pro online documentation. As you’re working on the lab, if links you find to ArcGIS Pro Help are stale, let us know, but you can also search at this link in the meantime.
Lab 2: An Overview of Digital Terrain Modelling and Multi-Criteria Analysis Using the Suitability Modeler.
- Lab 2 instructions and data are here.
- Submit Lab 2 on Canvas.
- A short video that provides an overview of the Suitability Modeler that you will be using in this lab.
- If for some reason you aren’t able to use the Notebook -> html -> PDF workflow I suggested, here is a different one, midway down the page.
Lab 3: Crime and the City
- Lab 3 instructions and data are here.
- ArcGIS Pro versions: Use 3.2.1 or newer. In other words, if you aren’t using the computer lab ArcGIS Pro, please make sure you have updated your version to at least 3.2.1.
- Submit Lab 3 on Canvas.
Lab 4: The Identification of a Least-cost Pathway
- Lab 4 instructions and data are here.
- Submit Lab 4 on Canvas.