Lab Submission

Lab Submissions

All lab answers should use the answer template (Notebook) provided in the lab materials. Once you have completed the lab, you submit the lab electronically via the appropriate Canvas assignment link as a single file. Need help? Instructions on how to convert a Notebook into a PDF, included in Lab 1 Part 1’s Answers&Questions Notebook, are also given below.

  • You can find the Canvas submission links on our course Canvas site under the assignment page.
  • How do you make multiple files (e.g., maps and Notebooks) into one?
    • You can export them all as PDFs and then merge them (beyond Adobe Acrobat, which you have access to, there are multiple ways to merge multiple PDF files on the internet).
    • You can also import import map PNGs into a Notebook you are using to write your answers.

An alternative way to print a Notebook to PDF

There does not appear to be a direct option to export a Notebook to PDF using ArcGIS Pro. We have you try to export your notebook to HTML and print it to PDF from the web browser. However, if for some reason that doesn’t work, you can also try to print out Notebooks using UBC’s Jupyter Notebooks. Every UBC student has access to the Jupyter site, and it is very easy to upload a Notebook onto the site:

  1. Log onto using your CWL. You may need to ‘start’ the terminal if you haven’t logged in before.
  2. Click on the Upload button (a small ‘Up Arrow’ over a line–look towards the upper left area of the page) and browse among your computer’s files to where the lab / ArcGIS Pro Notebook is;
  3. Select the Questions&Answers.ipynb file.
  4. Once uploaded, you double click on the filename on the left side of the window in the pane with files in order to open the notebook.
  5. You can then easily print out the Notebook using:
    1. File > Print Preview,
    2. And then print the previewed page to PDF.
  6. You would then use Canvas to submit the PDF.

Late Policy

All labs must be handed by the time / date in which they are due. A penalty of 10% per day will be deducted for late labs. Late labs will only be accepted (for marks) up to one week after they are due. Note that plagiarism is to be avoided in preparing your labs and in your project. Proper citation of all materials is required.