Apple this, Apple that: The Tech Titan that Seems to Just Keep Growing

by AntonEmmanuel


Apple this, Apple that. What started as a small personal computer company has now transformed into a tech industry juggernaut.

Irrespective of what your opinion may be regarding Apple’s products, there is no doubting Apple’s remarkable ability to grow.

Hailey Cole’s (section 105) blog discusses Apple’s foray into the online music streaming space. She explains how market is crowded, and how players from Spotfiy to Pandora have experienced differing levels of success. In her blog, Hailey also highlights the strength of Apple’s vast user base as it enters a new domain. I tend to agree with her.

What’s important to note is that the online music space is fairly novel. The determining factor of success is clearly the end-user experience.   Players are not only grappling to gain market share, but also touting usability as a means to retain users.

Multiple times throughout COMM101 we have explored the notion of defining a target demographic, a core customer segment if you will. Although this is integral in the effective design and marketing of a product, I feel Apple’s succcess is partially related to its ability to blur the lines between groups of users. They’re able capture the unconventional user—that same user that would have never considered upgrading to a Motorolla flip phone, let alone a ‘smartphone.’

My family would be a prime example. The idea of my parents owning smartphones was once a distant thought. But now, my household boasts 4 iPhones, 2 Ipads, a set of Macbooks, and an Apple TV. Why? Apple makes things simple. They alleviate the daunting task of embracing new technology by removing layers of complexity and designing a user-interface that can appease not only the technology enthusiast, but also a consumer who is first learning to text. In doing so, Apple is able to capture scores of users, and more importantly, foster brand loyalty.

The difference between Apple and the handful of other players in the online music streaming space is their ability to enter this market with a preexisting base of loyal customers—customers who are confident that Apple will be able to deliver the same simplified user-experience regardless of the domain. Those who are skeptical of streaming music as whole, may give the product a try, solely because ‘Apple’ is delivering the experience. As a result, the potential for quick ramp-up and lofty revenues is highly probable in any of Apple ventures.

Hey you never know, one day they may start making cars. Oh wait…I think they might have already started…or something.

Apple this, Apple that.