5 useful tips to create good content for your user

We are in the two-way conversation era. That time in which communication was broadcasted on just one direction by just a few fortunate people is now in the past. In this new age, we all are able to communicate with millions of people just with one click and we don’t hesitate about actively participating on conversations where we share our opinions with unknown people.

Nevertheless, that has a drawback: saturation. So here are 5 tips and recommendations to succeed when broadcasting and encouraging the creation of interesting content for the user:

1.    Carefully select the contents. You will need to choose interesting and relevant topics for your user. Find out which are the hottest trends. To do that, you can use some tools such as Google Insights.

2.    Transform your message into different sorts of content, so that youhave a different tool for each different case scenario or situation.

3.    Don’t forget to encourage your users to actively take part in your contents. Ask them their opinions; invite them to interact with you content and to share comments and suggestions. That’s easier if you have a motivation for them to participate and interact. Such as a useful application, a game or a promotion.

4.    Link your off-line activities with your on-line marketing strategy, so that your users or customers are aware of them. For example, if you participate in events or you organize events of any kind, you could let your followers know in real time on Twitter.

5.    Have fun. Provide your user some funny content. Of course there are businesses that seem to be more serious than others; but funny content, as far as is related with you activities, will be almost always well received by your audience.

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