The coming few weeks are bound to busy for all of us due to assignments and presentations. So, that leaves little time to pursue anything adventurous on the trade sim. However, Professor Vercammen and Andrew introduced us to some market analysis techniques in last week’s tutorial. The information presented was very helpful which will not only help us with our assignment but is a good knowledge to have regarding commodity trading in general. I plan to use some of these methods to trade in coming weeks. I haven’t used statistical analysis before and it must be difficult to get a hang of it. Moreover, I think I will still be trading corn and soybeans because of the uncertainty associated with the domestic production in the U.S. An important factor to look at for the coming weeks regarding corn prices is the feed demand. It will be interesting to see whether the USDA changes (and by how much) its forecasts for corn demand from livestock industry, as well as for foreign imports. Moreover, the analysts are predicting a further decrease in corn inventories in the weeks to come. The shortage in the stocks is the continuation from September when a large drought was reported in U.S.