
Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Ashley. I am a library student in the MLIS program in UBC, Vancouver BC. I’m relatively new to both the program and Vancouver,  having just  started my MLIS  in January of this year. I’m here in Canada as an international student (from Ireland) and have spent the last few months enjoyably immersing myself in all things Canadiana and library-related.

I will have to come right out and admit that as far as social media goes, I am not an avid user. I am on Facebook, but that it about all. There have been some brief forays into the blogosphere but nothing permanent. Having said that, I am looking forward to taking up an increased usage of social media as part of this course. It may just be the kick-start I need to begin to create a more visible online presence!

This blog has been set up as part of a requirement for LIBR 559M: Social Media for Information Professionals. As part of the course I hope to explore the many faces of social media, looking at how it is used by the library profession to both communicate with and inform its patrons. I am also using the course as an opportunity to become more  familiar with social media, notably Twitter and Blogging.

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