Category Archives for Conservation

Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries Management, or: The most important fish you’ve never heard of.

Authors note: This blog was written for FRE528: Environmental Economics and Policy  I often find the best way to dig into a fisheries management policy is to start with two blank pieces of paper, one for a list of acronyms, … Continue reading

21. March 2014 by akagan
Categories: Conservation, Fisheries, management | Leave a comment

Whooping Cranes and Adaptive Management

Authors note: This piece was written for my Environmental Policy Analysis class, the assignment asked about the costs and benefits of adaptive management. I recently finished reading the book Wild Ones: A Sometimes Dismaying, Weirdly Reassuring Story About Looking at … Continue reading

02. March 2014 by akagan
Categories: adaptive management, Conservation, endangered species | Leave a comment

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