Category Archives for Futures game

Conclusions and the Corn Palace

Well we made it through! I’m down 13% and ranked in the bottom five. But who cares, it’s over! right? right? I didn’t trade this week, and as not trading and doing no market analysis is a sure fire way … Continue reading

24. October 2013 by akagan
Categories: Climate Change, Corn Palace, Futures game | 1 comment

WTF is a “dead cat bounce” and further issues

“Bigger dead cat bounce expected today” reads the headline on today, continuing: “For those of us watching the ‘dead cat bounce‘ for a clue as to when to sell, it has been a crazy world the past couple of weeks. If you … Continue reading

18. October 2013 by akagan
Categories: Futures game | 2 comments

A lack of information

After last week’s guest speaker, who told us he rarely leaves his trading desk for more than 5 minutes at a time, I was feeling pretty stuck in my -11% portfolio return. I have the time to check my stocktrak … Continue reading

11. October 2013 by akagan
Categories: Futures game, Government Shutdown | Leave a comment

Shutdown and homesickness

What to say about this week. While my portfolio continues to perform horrendously  (-11%), I’m finding it difficult to get motivated to do anything about it. I’m somewhat confident that this week’s slump will recover at some point, although who … Continue reading

04. October 2013 by akagan
Categories: Futures game, Government Shutdown | 1 comment

Week two, what’s going on?

So week one, it turns out, was the easy one. Clear news events (i.e. the crop report and the fed news) made trading decisions and market fluctuations fairly clear (despite the fact that I did not read the signals correctly, … Continue reading

25. September 2013 by akagan
Categories: Confusion, Futures game | 1 comment

The Fed, Corn and Soy

Welcome to the first week of trading. So far, I’ve bought soy, shorted corn, and then on a whim bought wheat. Last night when I checked, I had earned $33- however this morning, to my dismay, I saw that my … Continue reading

19. September 2013 by akagan
Categories: Futures game, The Fed | 1 comment

A harsh introduction to futures

In high school my best friend’s dad, Jerry, worked at the Minneapolis Grain Exchange. He would sit at his old laptop computer during dinner and watch the markets and at various times try to explain to me what all of … Continue reading

10. September 2013 by akagan
Categories: Confusion, Futures game | 1 comment

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