Earth’s Growing Problem

Earth’s population has gone beyond its carrying capacity. With this the world will end in an abrupt chaos as wars erupt to claim the title to meager amounts of resources. Resources are scarce because of the long abuse of the materials when they were plentiful, now everyone is limited. Stealing by any means will be seen as an everyday thing as the people struggle to live on through a world where there are more people than resources. Governments around the world will be of no help as they will either be destroyed from the beggars, are engaged in war, or are locked up in order to protect those inside of the government. Only the extremely rich and powerful can live in the best form of life that can be given, while everyone else rots or die from starvation or war.

Not a pretty picture. But this is the result of overly using our precious resources. What humankind sees is only convenience and the present. Many do not look at the future nor care about what may come to be. There are others who take away resources out of tradition; an extreme case would be the dolphin slayings at Denmark. And as these things pile up on top of each other, the Earth begins to waste away as animals and other non-living resources are becoming extinct.

There may be many environmental activists trying to promote the desire to lessen resource consumption. But the thing is that there are so many things to worry and deal about currently that many people do not look to the future in grim view, believing that these issues are so far away in time that it would not affect them.  Sustainability is an act in which we try to divert the abuse of resources for the time being, but even still after a while, unless no permanent solution can be found, problems just arise again. And so what can people really do in order to help save the world?

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