PS3 Move, Lame Ripoff or Revolutionary Innovation

Sony’s PS3 will soon release their new creation into the North American Markets,the PS3 Move. But according to this article there are very mixed feelings, Similar to the Nintendo’s Wii’s interaction with players, the Move follows upon the Wii’s concept and builds upon Sony’s very own PS2’s Eyetoy. The motion controls are vastly superior to the Wii’s, but it is not perfect, nor are the games up to par with PS3’s capabilities.

My question is, should Sony have taken somebody’ else’s idea in hopes of gaining more profits or stick to what it has been doing?

In my opinion, I believe that Sony should continue on with this project. There is nothing wrong with improving onto current ideas. There have been many cases  in other industries that has done this.

This is a good strategic move for Sony, as it is able to attract other customers. Nintendo currently dominates the motion control market because it is the only one based on this. But as Sony launches the Move, the PS3 can take part  in this market. Considering the superior capabilities of the PS3, Sony will  be able to produce higher quality games and satisfy gamers further.

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