Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Desire in this one is Strong

Having read Jasmine Wing’s blog “Changing the Distribution Channel” and the idea of promoting people to buy from local resources just made me ponder about how simple life would be if people could just be satisfied with the things that could … Continue reading

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Response To Product Packaging

Scrolling around the class blogs, I came across Priscilla’s Thany’s 2nd blog critique on another blog called  “Why Good Packaging Matters”. They highlight the importance that  packaging plays with grabbing the consumer’s attention and being a visual representation of the company’s … Continue reading

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Square E’s Sequel of Crystals- Marketing blog 2

Recently, Square Enix has release a sequel to one of their most highly anticipated games , Final Fantasy XIII, called Final Fantasy XIII-2. Some background on  Final Fantasy XIII’s effect on the JRPG market.  It  sold 1.5 million copies worldwide … Continue reading

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Actors of the Microenvironment

Today we learnt about an element  that influences the marketing environment that is based on  making and maintaining a good relationship with customers . How well a relationship is between the actors of the mircoenvironment and the marketing department can … Continue reading

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296 Self Introduction, Hello

Good tidings to all who find this page.  My name is Alan Lee and much like most of you, a second year Sauder Student. I’m leaning towards Accounting but nothing is definite, so I’m attending this class in order to … Continue reading

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My Dad

The person I admire the most is currently my father because he has taught me the means of being true to myself within society.  He has demonstrated to me on various different occasions that it is important to have a … Continue reading

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The Culture’s Importance

In a company, an employee’s happiness, behavior, attitude and innovation are all greatly influenced by one thing and that is the company’s organizational culture.  As Dov Siedman has elaborated employees are extrinsically motivated by their wages but they can be … Continue reading

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Market Research is KEY

Audrey by 3Com, possibly one of the most failed creations done by the company and is possibly. Ergo Audrey Internet is an internet appliance that enabled the consumer to only browse the web and nothing else. It contained nice computer specs … Continue reading

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Preferences are hard to forecast

Sponsoring is a risky route a company, or anyone for that matter, can take. Whether the company or investors are backing up an event or helping a new business start out, there is always a sort of risk that is … Continue reading

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Earth’s Growing Problem

Earth’s population has gone beyond its carrying capacity. With this the world will end in an abrupt chaos as wars erupt to claim the title to meager amounts of resources. Resources are scarce because of the long abuse of the … Continue reading

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