FREE lipstick for us, FREE consumer information for M.A.C — Comment two

November 16th, 2013 § 0 comments

Comments on the blog posted by my classmate, Chiu, Candice

Posted on November 13, 2013

What I found the blog interesting is the similar pattern of marketing strategies I experienced not only here but also back in China. Watsons is a chain store selling various brands of cosmetic and health caring products. It enjoys the same status in China as Body Shop does here.


I still remember when I first stepped in Watsons, I was recommended to be a member of the store, which promised to provide me with incredible service and free gifts during the festival and my birthday every year. What was required obviously is my personal information. My name, birthday, email address, and phone number were recorded for the membership. In return, I got a moss green membership card and 10 percent off. Few weeks ago, when I was shopping with my friends in Sephora, the cashier also wanted me to join their membership. Once I joined, I got a free lipstick.


From then on, ads email fills my mailbox and I even don’t want to check my email every week simply because I totally know what will be waiting there for me, hundreds of ads email. I started to reflect what I did in the original years in my life. I have a stack of membership cards and gift cards of various stores. Is it a good way to keep their customers using this strategy? Honestly, it is. I cannot think about a better way then using the discount membership or gift card to attract customer who is willing to maker his purchase here. However, if the store sent me their product information every month not every week or even every two or three days, I will be really appreciate.


1) (picture)

2)   Links of the blog post of Candice Chiu:

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