Relief From Student Loan Debt for Public Service Workers

For many lower income families in the United States, sending their children to college is a large investment. Nowadays, many graduates face the problem of paying off their student loans. The solution to this is the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program. This program is dedicated to paying off student loans for individuals who still have have substantial sums of student loans.

In terms of ethics, I feel that it is too expensive for students to pursue a higher education. Many less-fortunate people are demotivated to pursue a higher education because of the costs that are involved with going to college. If one were to do a cost-benefit analysis, comparing the cost and benefits of going to college and getting a job,  some students would choose a job straight out of high school as being more beneficial. This sacrifice of education, ultimately leads to an uneducated population. This is unethical because everyone should be able to pursue an education. The benefits of this program is that it provides the opportunity for everyone to be educated and have a stable pay working in the public service field. At the end of the day, the government assisted them with student loans and now they are going to give back to the community. It is a win-win situation.

New York Times Link:

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