1. Heidi: Welcome new members and attendance: Heidi Schiller, Naomi Schemm, Kate Longley, Michael Grutchfield, Daniel Pon, Yolanda Bustos, Siri Hiltz, Anna Doyle
2. Approval of September meeting minutes: Approved.
3. Jocelyn/Heidi: Update on constitution. Heidi reported that she had put up a draft constitution on a Google doc based on the template provided by the ALA. Several members posted suggestions and changes. At the meeting, the group finalized the constitution and approved it. He said she would send out a copy of the pdf to the group’s listserv.
4. Naomi: LASSA vs. AMS status. Naomi reported that it makes more sense to be a LASSA group. The group then voted in favor of becoming a LASSA group. Naomi will contact LASSA to formalize our status with them.
5. Election of officers: The group decided this should be done at the next meeting after all interested members have looked through the constitution, which provides descriptions of the offices (Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Webmaster/Communications officer). Heidi will send out an email two weeks prior to the next meeting with a call for office nominations.
6. Brainstorming of program ideas and set up program planning committee meeting. Tabled for next meeting.
7. Heidi: Update on Listserv and FTP space: Heidi reported that we now have a Listserv. It is ala-slais@interchange.ubc.ca. We also have an FTP space.
8. Next meeting date: Tuesday Nov. 23 at 11 am.