Meeting Minutes | 22 February 2011

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes – February 22, 2011; 11 a.m.

1. Heidi: Welcome and attendance.
Heidi Schiller
Anna Doyle
Yolanda Bustos
Bailey Diers

Not in attendance:
Kate Longley
Naomi Schemm

2. Approval of January meeting minutes.
3. Discussion of “Love Buffet”. Feedback?
Pretty good turn out. About 16-18 people attended. Not bad for a Tuesday night. We ran out of chili. Maybe next time based on donation or a no participation required lunch.
4. Anna gave an update on our funds: hasn’t talked to Kirsty about LASSA funds. Love buffet made $62.
5. Heidi and Yolanda: Discussion of amendment of Constitution to include process for Student to Staff nominations in subsequent years. Vote on process. Passed unanimously. Needs to be updated in constitution in FTP (new document demonstrating change) and changed online.
6. Yolanda: Student to staff SLAIS travel award stipend: We need to create general information about student to staff doc for the ftp/online about Student to Staff. Yolanda will make a printable informational brochure for the fall, which will also be available for download from our blog.
7. Brainstorming for next event:
• Reports on progress for Teen Tech week? Not going to happen this year
• Freedom of Information Day? E-mail Michael? Heidi’s friend cannot speak on the issue. Waiting to hear from Kate about video panel?
• Skip the panel and maybe making something on the blog, giving out information? See if there is interest in designing this.
• If we are going to work on summer reading list or blog, we should start to do that.
• We should also start focusing on events for fall so that the new cohort will have something to come to: Banned Books. (Potential panel, banned books reading, etc)
8. Heidi: Ingrid Parent event: We’re co-sponsoring the event. We need to push this event with word of mouth. Next Wednesday at 11:30. (lunch and lecture)
9. Next Meeting- Tuesday March 22 @ 11am- Trail Room
a. Brainstorming for next year’s events.
b. Feedback for Ingrid Parent event
c. Year-end wrap up: discuss the creation of an annual report-end of the year office reports.