Trip to Seattle (part 1)

Recently a number of us at UBC went down to meet up with the student ALA group at the University of Wasington iSchool! It was a super great time, we met lots of awesome people, and got to check out some neat libraries. (Oh, and by the way border guards think it’s kind of weird when you say you went to Seattle to meet up with a student group and go on tours of libraries…)

Here’s a sign at the entrance to their iSchool (and they actually call it that!).

Here we are walking towards the first library we visited: the Gallagher Law Library!

Jonathan, a student in UW’s Law Librarian program, gave us a great tour!

Lots of study space!

You can see the compact shelving in the background.

Here you can just about see everyone on the trip (excluding me)! From left: David, Sarah, Jonathan (all UW students), Kelsey, Eka (at the very back), Anna, and Daisy.

This popsicle wasn’t at UW, but it was the first thing I took a photo of during this trip.