Trip to Seattle (part 3)

Earlier this year we went down to Seattle to visit the student ALA group there. We had a great time! Here are photos of some of the things we saw.

Here’s part one, and part two.

Next up was our visit to Suzzalo and Allen Libraries!

To be honest, I’m a little surprised nobody has broken this. Maybe it’s just really solid?

Once inside we had some time to kill before our tour started. Our intrepid leader/ALA Chair managed to find a jigsaw puzzle to pass the time.

Even better! One with no bumpy edge bits to help.

Up the stairs.

Gotta love science themed stained glass windows.

You can’t really read this but the library claims to have the world’s largest book.

It doesn’t actually look that big to me. I feel like I could just go out and bind some posters or something. I guess there’s some “official” guidelines as to what a book is.

Really cool looking, but also empty. Apparently it is really cold and there are no electrical outlets.

On the left of our group is our rad tour guide Caitlan!

Fancy globe.

The University of Washington Media Centre Center!

Hilariously I had asked only minutes before if they had laser discs.

I think this was one of the places where the tables were also whiteboards.

Super huge (28 foot, 8.5 metre) pre-historic crocodile!

They have a recurring theme of birds throughout the library.

A lot of them are carrying stuff, signifying various types of knowledge I think.

I really liked the pun-ny name of this collection. For those that don’t get it the Puget Sound is the body of water that Seattle is built on.