Meeting Minutes, September 9th, 2014

2014-09-09 MINUTES

ALA Student Chapter Minutes

September 9, 2014 @ 1pm

Present: Sadie Tucker, Krista Parham, Rebecca Lahr, Mattias Olshausen, Kelsey O., Anna Ferri, Chelsea Shriver, Saguna Shankar, Kaylin Anderson, Bonnie Paige, Jason Martin, Jen Streckmann, Blake Hawkins, Clare Aspirth Finegan, Alex Kuskowski, Maggie Faber, Roxanne Kalenborn, Shannon Cheng, Chloe Riley, Christina Appleberry, Mark Christensen, Matthew Murray

Chair: Mark Christensen

Minutes: Sadie Tucker

  • Introductions

    • Faculty advisor: Eric Meyers

    • Co-Chairs (after elections): Mark & Appleberry

    • Co-Treasurers (after elections): Hedda Monaghan & Kaylin

    • Secretary: Sadie

    • Webmaster/communications officer: Matthew

  • About ALA (American Library Association)

    • We are the only active ALA student chapter in Canada. There is a chapter in Toronto, but their site has not been updated in a few years.

    • CLA (Canadian Library Association) is great, but ALA is huge and has a lot of clout and resources.

    • Check out the student group’s site at . You will find all sorts of information (minutes, names of the executive officers, blog posts, etc.) here.

    • We recommend that you join ALA. It is $35 a year for students. Being a member is not required for participating in the student group (although you do need to be a member to be on the executive), but it has its benefitis: membership provides you with access to volunteering and learning opportunities; you also get a nifty magazine in the mail.

      • If you do join, take a look at the divisions and groups. Some of them are free for students, some cost extra money. Depending on the group the cost can be worth it, though.

  • Last meeting’s minutes

    • We are looking for them.

    • Sadie will email her past co-secretary to see if she knows where they are.

  • Reimbursements

    • Anna is having a hard time getting reimbursed from LASSA for t-shirts from last year.

    • There is lots of confusion around paying American companies for things.

  • Swag/Merchandise

    • Last semester we had a poll about merch/swag. We will do it again since many people have graduated and new people have joined. Last semester bags and t-shirts were neck and neck.

    • In the past, logo contests have had very few entrants. If you are interested in doing a design, please let us know!

  • University of Washington exchange

    • Visited Seattle last year. It is a great way to meet people and see other library school programs.

    • There are library tours and social events. It is lots of fun!

    • At the meeting there was a show of hands to gauge interest in doing another exchange and many hands went up, so we will look into it and report back.

  • Elections

    • By acclamation:

      • Co-treasurer: Kaylin Anderson

      • Co-chair: Christina Appleberry (“Appleberry”)

  • Don’t be shy!

    • If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to talk to someone on the exec. You don’t even need to remember our names!

  • Conferences panel

    • Had a general discussion on the topic. The panel would be about attending conferences.

  • Collaboration

    • We would like to focus on working and collaborating with other student groups (e.g., CLA).

  • Meeting dates

    • Our meetings will be on the second Tuesday of the month at 1pm.

    • We will need to reschedule our November 11th meeting as it is a holiday. Anna will look into perhaps having a joint meeting with CLA on Tuesday, November 18th (their meetings are the third Tuesday of the month).

Meeting Minutes, March 5th, 2014

(Because we’re amazing we couldn’t find these for ages, so they’ve only now gotten approved.)


ALA @ UBC Student Chapter Meeting
[PhD Lounge] Room, 11:30am
March 5, 2014

Attendees: Anna Ferri, Carolyn Heine, Matthew Murray, Mark Christensen, Hedda Monaghan, Chelsea Shriver, Matthew Root, Sadie Tucker, Lauren Washok, Krista Paham, and Monica

1. UW ALA Student Chapter Exchange
a. Looking for a time when they can come to visit Vancouver
b. April might be OK. They just had elections so they are a bit disorganized at the moment
c. Matthew is in communication with their group

2. Freedom to Read Week Recap
a. ALA student feedback: overall, it went well
b. SLAIS student feedback: the panel was really good
c. Possible change for next year’s event: read a section, then open up for group discussion

3. T-Shirt Design Contest
a. Doodle Poll top 3 results: tote bag, t-shirt, mug
b. New Doodle Poll: pick one of the above

4. Publishing Panel
a. March 25, 12pm-1:30pm in the Lilloet Room
b. Panelist Update
i. Ellen George put out a call for panelists on the UBC library listserv
ii. Anna will ask Heather O’Brien for contact information for ProQuest and EBSCO reps
iii. Alison Curtis from Langara has been emailed
iv. Chelsea S. is in contact with Morgan Gariepy for a possible panelist
v. No one confirmed at the moment. We will wait a few days to see if someone responds then alter our strategy as needed
c. Event Logistics
i. Gift: iTunes gift cards (Chelsea S. will obtain these)
ii. Parking Pass (Anna)
iii. Food: hummus, veggies, bread, etc. (Sadie will make a Costco Run if possible)
iv. Advertising: PPT Slide (Sadie); Posters (Monica)
v. Room Booking Update: need to include food in the booking request (Carolyn will update)

5. An Event for May?
a. ALA annual interest event
b. Will send out feelers after term ends to see if there is any interest in a meetup for those attending ALA in June

6. Next Meeting
a. This is the last official ALA meeting until September
b. Elections?
i. Secretary
1. Carolyn is graduating during the summer
2. Sadie will take over all secretarial duties with the option of holding elections for a second secretary
ii. Co-president
1. Anna will possibly be stepping down this fall
2. Elections would take place in September if needed