Meeting Minutes, October 14th, 2014

2014-10-14 MINUTES

Present: Sadie Tucker, Mattias Olshausen, Anna Ferri, Maggie Faber, Chloe Riley, Bonnie Paige, Emily Nickerson, Shannon Cheng, Alex Kuskowski, Mark Christensen, Christina Appleberry, Kaylin Anderson, Matthew Murray, Chelsea Shriver

Minutes: Sadie

• Minutes
o Minutes from March and September approved.

• Swag
o Swag poll has been done. Results are similar to last year, top picks: Water bottles-10, Bags-6, T-shirts-5
o Chelsea will look into ball-park pricing and send out a second poll to get final decision.
o Pricing usually depends on how many orders are made. Generally, the group will charge X dollars and then cover the difference if there is any (e.g., subsidize each item by $2). Depending on order numbers, this isn’t always necessary.

• Logo
o Will keep current logo as no one has expressed any interest in submitting a new one.

• University of Washington exchange
o Considering that we went there in the spring, it is only fair that they get to come here now.
o Matthew spoke with them about visiting and they asked us to provide some dates. Matthew will suggest the weekend of November 15th or 22nd
o Once date is confirmed we need to start organising library tours (on and off campus), pub outing, and housing.
o There will likely be fewer than 10 people.
o Please give some thought to how you can help out (e.g., lend out your couch for the weekend, organise a tour, etc.).
o Discussion about having a regular exchange (i.e., we go to Seattle in the spring and they come here in the fall).

• Student to Staff Program
o There are 40 spots for a special student volunteer position at the annual ALA conference (June 2015). The student works (very) approximately 16 hours at the conference (usually one shift per day) and in return gets free room/board and their conference fee is paid for (travel is NOT covered). Only one student from each library school may participate.
o Eric Myers is holding an essay contest to choose who will get the position from UBC. A good essay will demonstrate an understanding of how the ALA (and attending the conference) fits into your career plans and also a commitment to give back to your local ALA chapter (that’s us!).
o Important notes:
If you are chosen it is a firm commitment. They do not allow substitutions, so you must be 100% committed to going. You must still be a SLAIS student in June 2015. You do not need to be a member of ALA to enter the contest, but if you are offered the position then you will need to join in order to accept it.
o Eric will post detailed information about the program and essay contest on the SLAIS website, so stay tuned!

• Panels
o Discussion about panel topics, main suggestions are conferences and programming.
o Decided to go ahead with programming in January as there are not a lot of course offerings having to do with programming (other than a children’s course).
o We will hold a student panel (students who have gone to conferences previously) in March. This is a bit easier to organise as the speakers are all in-house.
o Sadie will book rooms for January 28th  @ noon and March 25th  @ 1pm.
o If you have ideas for people who can attend the programming panel, email your suggestion with the person’s name and a one sentence bio to Sadie. After the names are gathered, she will put out a poll so we can decide as a group who we feel will best fit the panel. If one of our top choices can’t make it then we will go down to the next person in the list. Attention will also be paid to balance (we want a diversity of experience and viewpoints).

• Programs at libraries
o Mark suggested that we start taking note of programs offered by various libraries (academic and public).
o There are many free programs available that offer training relevant to library and information work.
o Decided that group members will rotate responsibility for taking a look at available programs and sharing them on the blog. Anna will do it this month.

• Conference on open access information
o On November 28th & 29th there will be a conference dedicated to open information. It will be in the IKB building.
o There will be booths, panels, etc. Should be super interesting!

• Next meeting
o November 18th  @ 1pm in the Trail Rm.
o This will be a joint meeting with the CLA group. We will discuss Freedom to Read, etc.
o There will be a limited agenda since the two committees will be sharing an hour.