Freedom to Read Marathon Reading Event and Intellectual Freedom Panel

FREEDOMPlease join us for an all day event celebrating our Freedom to Read!

Sign up or drop in to read from your favourite challenged or banned book, or read from one of the many books we will have available. 9-12 & 1-3:30 Sign up at

Featuring a panel moderated by UBC University Librarian Ingrid Parent discussing how intellectual freedom is lived through everyday life experience and work. Light refreshments will be served.12-1pm

We will also have a Freedom to Write space and welcome everyone to come write and share your words.

Tweet to share your 3 favourite banned or challenged books using #FTRWeek. We’ll also have an (actually physical!) board where you you can write and post them at the event.

Come pick up a book mark on banned books or come read about current news on challenged, banned or censored materials in Canada.

The intellectual freedom panel at noon will feature:

Christopher Kevlahan, Branch Head at Joe Fortes VPL
Dr. Gregory Mackie, Assistant Professor, Department of English, UBC
Tara Robertson, Accessibility Librarian, CAPER-BC at Langara College
Miriam Moses, the Acquisitions Librarian at Burnaby Public Library

Moderated by Ingrid Parent, University Librarian, UBC

Programming Panel

P1030905We recently held a panel about programming libraries! Thank you to Sarah Felkar, Digital Access Librarian at West Vancouver Memorial Library, Sarah Green, community librarian at the Renfrew branch of VPL and an advocate for community-led libraries, and Devin Soper, a copyright liaison at UBC Library.

Meeting Minutes, January 13, 2015

2015-01-13 MINUTES

ALA Student Group Meeting

January 13, 2015

Present: Sadie Tucker, Shannon Cheng, Mystery Beck, Alan Woo, Roxanne Kalenborn, Myles Wolfe, Anna Ferri, Kaylin Anderson, Marie Shockley, Elizabeth Bush, Taylor Kenkel, Hanna Ahn, Abeer Siddiqui, Alex Kuskowski, Mattias Olshausen, Brianna Gormly, Chloe Riley, Megan Smiley, Jenna Dufour, Matthew Murray, Christina Appleberry, Mark Christiansen

Minutes: Sadie


  • Minutes from October 14th and November 18th (joint meeting with CLA/BCLA) approved.
  • University of Washington Exchange
    • Happening this weekend! Four students from the Seattle program will arrive on Friday, January 16th and stay until Sunday.
    • Members of the graciously offered their bed/couches for the students to use. Thanks!
    • Kaylin will buy a book of bus tickets for the visitors.
    • Tours currently scheduled
      • Friday: ASRS at 3pm and Digitization at 3:30pm (both UBC libraries)
      • Saturday: VPL at 1 or 2pm
    • Will have a welcome dinner/pub night on the Friday around 5pm at either Koerner’s or Mahoney & Sons.
      • Mystery will call and get a reservation for 15 people.
      • Will use ALA group funds to pay for a round of nachos.
      • As many SLAISers as possible should attend as possible to give them a warm welcome. Please show up if you can!
    • Saturday, Matthew will accompany the group as they tour downtown Vancouver. Again, everyone is welcome to join in.
    • We are currently looking into ideas for Saturday night. Everyone, please let us know if you know of any neat events happening that night.
    • Mark will create a document with the schedule of events and various contact numbers. That way people can drop into events when they are available. Feel free to send Matthew a text to see where the group is at on Saturday.
  • Mentorship
    • Little interest in pursuing a mentorship system was expressed at the meeting.
  • Webmaster
    • Matthew will be graduating in August.
    • Shannon and Alan volunteered to get an orientation as to what he does. We can elect a co-webmaster at the February meeting.
  • Budget
    • We currently have $749.03 available to us.
    • If you have receipts to be reimbursed, give them to Kaylin.
  • Freedom to Read
    • A joint event with the CLA/BCLA group. An ad-hoc committee has been struck that is planning and hosting the event.
    • February 24th, 9-5pm
    • There will be readings from banned books throughout the day. People can bring their own banned books or choose from a selection provided by the group.
    • Need funds for snacks, media, etc. CLA/BCLA are contributing $75.
    • ALA will also contribute $75.
  • Programming Panel
    • Wednesday, January 28th @ noon, in the Lillooet Room.
    • We have three panelists who have confirmed attendance.
    • The panelists’ contacts will check to see if any of them require parking passes.
    • Thank you gifts: Eric found some iSchool tote bags and mugs we can give them (thanks Eric!) and Sadie will pick up three $10 Starbucks gift cards.
    • Decided that we will provide baked goods available by donation. Jenna, Mark, Alex, and Sadie all offered to provide goodies.
    • Chloe has created a Google doc for people to submit their questions. Anyone who has questions about developing and implementing programs should add it to the list. This is important, as it gives the panelists an idea about what to talk about and the types of questions they will be fielding:
    • Anna, Sadie, and Kaylin volunteered to help set-up for the panel. Set-up will start at 11:30 (which is when our room reservation begins). Help with take-down after the panel will be much appreciated, as well!


  • US Student loans debacle
    • A group member was wondering if the ALA has been contacted about the issue. They have been and an alumni of the program, Mary Jingles, is facilitating some of the communication. Enrolment services has also been in communication with the ALA.
    • Lots of people, including our LASSA reps, are hard at work trying to figure something out. Thanks!
  • ALA Conference
    • June 25-30 in San Francisco
    • There are volunteer opportunities for students. In particular, if you are interested in volunteering with the Zine Pavilion contact Matthew Murray.
    • There is a reference document on our web page that gives tons of information about attending conferences, give it a read.
  • HCI Lecture Series
    • The next talk (which includes lunch!) will be tomorrow at noon in the Dodson Room.
  • Conference money
    • If you are presenting or participating in a conference (not just attending) there is money available to you.
    • Do not be afraid to submit papers, posters, or panel ideas to conferences. It’s great for your portfolio.