Meeting Minutes, March 8, 2016

ALA Meeting

March 8th, 2016 Minutes

12:00 pm –

In attendance: J’Amy McCracken, Elizabeth Moyer, Claire Williams
Claire led the meeting.

Agenda – Skip April meeting. Reconvene in May when school is back in session. Our normal meeting in April would have been after the semester ends and having a meeting during finals week is not practical either.

Called and passed motion to reimburse Jennette and Kaya for expenses for snacks for Freedom to read panel. Elizabeth agreed, J’Amy seconded the motion

ALA Informational Event – discuss possibility of such an event in the near perhaps in the near future or even September when the new cohorts come in. The goal is to raise the awareness of the department on who ALA is and what ALA does.

Progressive Librarians Guild – they would like our help on a round tables . Claire will reach out them. Showcase projects that students have been working on regarding Queer and Trans-spaces/libraries in libraries.