Meeting Minutes, 6 February 2017

ALA Meeting Minutes

ALA-Feb.6, 2017 MeetingNotes.docx

Date: Monday, February 6th, 2017
Time: 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Place: Trail Room
Members Present: Lucas Hill, Erin Flynn, Claire Williams, Shannon Cheng, Lara Maestro
Minutes: Lucas Hill


  • University of Washington Exchange
  • ALA Mixer
  • BCLA
  • Library Tours
  • Web Master

University of Washington

The University of Washington is still interested in an exchange, but are currently in the process of electing a new executive committee.  We will pursue this avenue afterwards, and Claire will remain in touch. We also must consider the ramifications of the new American politic establishment, and whether it will affect certain student’s ability to enter the U.S.

ALA Mixer

The ACA has been very busy with the Managing the Analogue Symposium at the moment, but afterwards Claire will go to an ACA meeting to discuss possibilities of a mixer.


The BCLA has an event planned for Freedom to Read Week. They will be having a talk on queer censorship on February 17th. This should suffice for Freedom to Read Week activities.

Library Tours

We would still like to conduct library tours at a variety of libraries within the city throughout the year. While we had originally anticipated reading week, parties were unable to establish a line of communication. Claire Williams will contact the Vancouver Aquarium Librarian about a possible tour during the month of March. We should encourage students to think of questions to ask, potentially about funding, collections’ management, etc.

We also discussed the Wine Library here at UBC managed by the food, nutrition and health department, or possibly the Wine Library in the Okanagan. There are many special interest libraries to consider. Claire Williams will establish contact.

Other possibilities include a Library Hop around UBC, using bikes between libraries on campus. A potential summer activitiy, it could include riding from various libraris on campus, like the Crane Library, which hosts Braille, the Brock Hall, which has Recording Centers and the Music Library, or the Film Library on campus.

New Webmaster

Erin Flynn has been elected as new webmaster! Yay!

Meeting Adjourned: 12:37 p.m.

Next Meeting: Monday, February 27th at noon for a half hour.