Meeting Minutes, 31 August 2017

ALA Meeting

ALA Aug 31 Meeting

Date: Thursday, August 31, 2017

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Place: Trail Room

Members Present: Claire Williams, Lucas Hill, Lara Maestro, Lisa Zhu


Last Meeting: Wednesday, June 21st, 2017
Minutes Approved: Yes


Meeting Agenda:


Filling Positions –

Lara is the new president!

Lara and Lucas will talk to the new cohort on the orientation day about the available Treasurer position.

Our faculty advisor is gone, Aaron Lorehlein, so we need to find a new one, in order to apply for our essays for funding. Lucas will ask Richard Arias-Hernandez.


New Cohort:

Claire will e-mail sign up sheet to Lara for the orientation, and Lara will bring her laptop for the new cohort to give us their e-mail addresses.

There schedule is Tuesday 2-5, Wednesday 9-12/2-5, and Thursday 2-5.



Could have a mixer as the first event. Perhaps at Library Square? We will finalize after the business of orientation. September 15th?


Meeting Adjourned:

Next meeting: September 21, Thursday, at 5:15.

Future Topics:

  1. Closer to December: How to fill people leaving/coming back.
    1. Webmaster
    2. President
    3. Secretary
  1. Special Library Tours? (Dean at the hospital)


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