Meeting Minutes | 19 January 2010

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2010; 12 p.m.; Trail Room

1. Welcome to any new members and attendance
Dan Pon
Kate Longley
Jennifer Pappas
Siri Hiltz
Bailey Diers
Anna Doyle
Naoimi Schemm
Heidi Schiller
Andrew Berger

2. Approval of November meeting minutes

3. Heidi: News from ALA
— We received an official plaque from the ALA.
— ALA Student-to-Staff program
Yolanda has been nominated and selected to be the inaugural UBC ALA Chapter Student to staff representative. As such she will receive free registration, room and board at this years annual ALA conference in New Orleans.
Next year (and all subsequent years, unless the chapter sees fit to do otherwise) the student chapter will select a nominee for the student to staff position by means of an essay contest if there is more than one nominated candidate.
Heidi moved to add an amendment to the constitution to formalize the procedure for future nominations for student to staff. Motion was seconded and approved. Yolanda and Heidi will write the formal language for this amendment and mail the proposed language to all ALA group members before the February meeting when the amendment will be put up for approval.
Sadly, no one was able to go to the midwinter ALA conference in San Diego. Everyone lamented about this misfortune and expressed a deep longing to see the sun.

4. Report on orientation/club fair
Kate reports that a lot of people had scheduling conflicts for today’s meeting but there is a group of interested new students who have expressed interest in joining us for future events and meetings.
Kate, Yolanda, Anna, Naomi, and Heidi reported that the orientation club fair was successful.

5. EVENTS PLANNING/program ideas for this semester:

— Valentines Day! The ALA Love Buffet: Tuesday February 8th in the SLAIS lounge: 5-8
Make your own valentine’s, cookies, stew, and smutty/romantic readings of passages from literature.
Yolanda will make a poster with information. Open mic; no pressure, but feel free to bring a sexy/romantic passage to share.
Anna will bring additional smutty books. Dan and Yolanda will make stew. Several members will make baked goods.
WE NEED: Bowls, spoons, napkins, craft items. Several members volunteered to bring craft items, check SLAIS kitchen for bowls and spoons.

— March 6-12:Teen Tech Week: Talk with digital tattoo project? Anna will email Eric about information

— March 16: Freedom of Information Day –
Michael talked to a lawyer who will be happy to talk about FOI and Heidi will contact an American lawyer to see if we can get a compare and contrast on Wednesday, March 16th.

— April: School library month- summer reading lists (reviews! donate prizes! Bookstore- ice cream!)
SLAIS summer reading list with blog? Promotes readers advisory-> We will possibly create a good reads group to share summer reading list and reviews.

For next winter:
Donations (look into process or soliciting donations)

6. Possibility of doing something in lieu of the career fair
— No SLAIS-organized career fair this year but clubs are encouraged to invite speakers near the end of this term for informal student/professional gathering.
Ideas? Having someone talk about something job related through the lens of ALA- Heidi will email Don to see if there are any contacts nearby.
7. Funds:
LASSA money should be forthcoming.
Checking on using SLAIS groups planning incentive money for March event.

8. Next meeting date: Tuesday, Feb 22nd, 11-12 in Trail room
Discuss how the buffet went and plan for the possibility of more!
Vote on constitutional amendment
Plan next event

Meeting Tuesday, Feb 22nd: 11-12 in the Trail Room

Thanks to everyone who came out to the ALA Love Buffet! It was really fun to relax, laugh at the amazingly bad (but oh so good) readings of our favorite trashy romance, and make the most crafty valentine’s day cards ever!

Such as these ones from SLAIS ALA secretary, Yolanda:

At our Tuesday meeting we will be discussing our plans for ALA’s Teen Tech Week, coming up March 6-12th, as well as our plans for Freedom of Information Day on March 16th.

We hope you’ll join us Tuesday at 11am in the Trail room!

ALA Love Buffet: February 8th, 5pm!!

What brings together treats, books and love, magical love?

Recipe 4 Love, by [F]oxymoron

Hmmm…could it be…………….the ALA Love Buffet?!

Join us on Tuesday, February 8th from 5-8pm in the SLAIS Lounge for amazing treats, a bawdy reading, and more.

*Have you been working so hard you haven’t had time to think about making a sweet Valentine’s day card for the special people in your life?

*Have you been working so hard you have forgotten to nourish yourself?

If so, come bring your neglected romance books (or other literary smut) and gather ’round to laugh your cares away as we share our passages

Just $5 will get you XTRA SPECIAL <3 treats + a glorious, blush-worthy array of Valentine’s card craft-making supplies!!!

Treats Featuring:

  • A heart-warming stew, slow-cooked in a big crock-pot (vegetarian and meat options)
  • An exuberant selection of our home-baked love-shaped cookies

We hope you can partake in the most romantic evening at SLAIS, probably ever!!!

Please suggest your favorite romantic readings in the comment section below, so we can have them on-hand!

Agenda for Jan. 19 Meeting

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Agenda
January 19, 2010; 12 p.m.; Trail Room

1. Welcome to any new members and attendance

2. Approval of November meeting minutes

3. Heidi: News from ALA
— Plaque
— ALA Student-to-Staff program
— Did anybody go to ALA Midwinter? Report?

4. Kate/Yolanda/Anna/Naomi: Report on orientation/club fair
— List of contacts?

5. Short list of events/program ideas for this semester:
— Valentines Day! Monday the 14th of Feb.
Ideas: Candy grams? Literary Valentines? Literary “love” kits (candy, poetry, etc. in a package) or a heart-warming veggie stew made by Dan Pon in his Crock Pot 🙂
Open mic — Intense/ romantically charged passages read from the classics.
Play matchmaker (list your top 10 books).

— March 6-12:Teen Tech Week: Talk with digital tattoo project?
— March 16: Freedom of Information Day — Michael or Heidi may have contacts?
— April: School library month- summer reading lists (reviews! donate prizes! Bookstore- ice cream!)

6. Possibility of doing something in lieu of the career fair
— No SLAIS-organized career fair this year but clubs are encouraged to invite speakers near the end of this term for informal student/professional gathering. Ideas?

7. Other business:

8. Next meeting date: third Tuesday, Feb. 15*, 11-12 in Trail room *(we might need to change the date to the following week due to Reading Week)

Join us @ our 1st Meeting of 2011 !!

The SLAIS student chapter of the American Library Association (ALA) will be holding its first meeting of 2011 next Wednesday, January 19th @ 12pm in the Trail Room.

We’re the new student group on the block! As such we offer many opportunities to participate in shaping the events we will be planning for the year ahead. Come add your ideas to the mix or stay tuned for our literary and gustatory homage to February 14, ALA’s Teen Tech Week, and informational panels exploring topics such as a comparison of U.S. and Canadian freedom of information laws.

We hope you’ll put ALA on your “student group shopping-list” 🙂

We Welcome New Students!

We’re looking forward to welcoming the incoming students to SLAIS at the new student orientation on Tuesday, January 4th! We will be tabling with information about our group and we will also be happy to answer any questions you have about our experiences in the program.

As the new student group on the block ALA offers many opportunities to get involved. In the coming year we are planning some great events and we welcome input and ideas. In Winter Term 2 we will be hosting events ranging from pure diversion, such as our February 14th ode to romantic literature (STAY TUNED), to a panel (details TBA) exploring the brass tacks of freedom of information.

Please join us in shaping the course of future ALA events.

Our first meeting of 2011 is slated for January 19 at Noon in the Trail Room. Following meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of each month at Noon in the Trail Room.

Cheers to the New Year!

Get Your Student ALA Membership with a Bonus!

Are you interested in joining ALA? Yearly membership is $33 for students, which gives you a subscription to American Librarian and access to ALA’s employment listings. You can find out about membership in ALA by following this link.

Our ALA UBC Chapter Treasurer has this tip:

“…The ALA supports participation in state library organizations as well. They have a deal going wherein you can purchase joint student membership in both the ALA and certain state organizations for the low price of $35/year. To see if your home state is one of the participating organizations check here for the application forms…”

Meeting Minutes | 26 October 2010

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes — October 26, 2010; 11 a.m.

1. Heidi: Welcome new members and attendance: Heidi Schiller, Naomi Schemm, Kate Longley, Michael Grutchfield, Daniel Pon, Yolanda Bustos, Siri Hiltz, Anna Doyle

2. Approval of September meeting minutes: Approved.

3. Jocelyn/Heidi: Update on constitution. Heidi reported that she had put up a draft constitution on a Google doc based on the template provided by the ALA. Several members posted suggestions and changes. At the meeting, the group finalized the constitution and approved it. He said she would send out a copy of the pdf to the group’s listserv.

4. Naomi: LASSA vs. AMS status. Naomi reported that it makes more sense to be a LASSA group. The group then voted in favor of becoming a LASSA group. Naomi will contact LASSA to formalize our status with them.

5. Election of officers: The group decided this should be done at the next meeting after all interested members have looked through the constitution, which provides descriptions of the offices (Chair, Co-Chair, Treasurer, Secretary and Webmaster/Communications officer). Heidi will send out an email two weeks prior to the next meeting with a call for office nominations.

6. Brainstorming of program ideas and set up program planning committee meeting. Tabled for next meeting.

7. Heidi: Update on Listserv and FTP space: Heidi reported that we now have a Listserv. It is We also have an FTP space.

8. Next meeting date: Tuesday Nov. 23 at 11 am.

Meeting Minutes | 28 September 2010

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes – 9/28/2010

1. Heidi: Welcome/Introduction to the soon-to-be-first ALA student chapter of SLAIS
(Collect interested members’ names and email addresses)
Attendees included:
• Heidi Schiller
• Naomi Schemm
• Yolanda Bustos
• Michael Grutchfeild
• Andrew Berger
• Dan Pon
• Kate Longley
• Jocelyn Hallman
• Eric (faculty advisor) and (future ALA member) Baby Julia Meyers.

2. Heidi: Overview of the process for becoming an official group
a. Get a faculty advisor (Eric Meyers)
b. Interested students sign up for ALA membership (many states have joint membership rates)
c. Draft a constitution (we have examples from other groups)
d. “A nominating committee should be appointed and a meeting held to elect officers and approve the constitution.”
e. “A chapter group program committee should be appointed to work with the officers to develop program ideas.”
f. Notify ALA liaison of group’s existence. Include draft of constitution, faculty advisor name and list of officers.

3. Formation of constitution committee to meet soon after today (committee will determine how and when officers are elected and which offices are needed): Jocelyn volunteered to spearhead the committee group; Heidi, Michael and Kate committed to helping Jocelyn. Jocelyn will email them to arrange a meeting before the next all-member meeting.

4. Naomi: Becoming an officially recognized club at SLAIS/UBC: LASSA vs. AMS

a. Naomi will find investigate benefits of being an ALA group
b. A few questions to consider: Can non-SLAIS students be in a LASSA group? (This would affect whether students from another school/faculty, such as LLED, could be involved in our group.

5. Getting an official SLAIS listserv and FTP space – Heidi will find out from Susie

6. Naomi and Yolanda: Report on what other ALA student chapters do/program ideas. Naomi listed programs and events that the University of Washington’s iSchool ALA group does. Yolanda reported we would be the only ALA student group in Canada.

7. Formation of a program committee – Heidi suggested we all brainstorm program ideas for next meeting, and it will be an agenda item.

8. Next meeting date: Oct. 26, 11 am