March 12, 2013 Meeting Minutes

ALA Meeting Minutes: March 12, 2013

IKBLC Trail Room, 1:00pm


Carolyn Heine, Elspeth Olson, Anna Ferris, Matthew Murray


  1. Approval of February 26 minutes
    1. The minutes were approved
    2. Haiku Event
      1. Set for March 19th (one week from today); 11:30-1:30 in the Trail
      2. SLA bake sale is happening at the same time. We should try and coordinate with them.
      3. Marathon Event
        1. Bake Sale results

i.      Just over $100

ii.      What funds do we have available at this point?

  1. Improvements for next year

i.      We have to have better publicizing. Possible strategies include coordinating with librarians and professors (English dept, Creative Writing, Film Studies, MACL), and earlier postings in the dorms

ii.      Possibly a shorter time span (Elspeth closed down at 6:30)

  1. T-shirt Colors
    1. Someone will do color mock-ups and post them online to vote (?). We need to do this ASAP so we can have the t-shirts by graduation (end of May)
    2. Elspeth will speak to Alyssa about using her design
    3. Other
      1. Locker for next year

i.      We would like to see if we can block a locker out for ALA use for future years. Anna will talk with admin to see if this can happen.

  1. ALA chair for next year

i.      Anna plans to do co-op in the fall, and Eka plans to do co-op in the spring

  1. Next Meeting (final meeting of the year)
    1. April 2nd, Trail Room, 1:00pm



Anna has booked the Trail Room

Elspeth has received permission from Alyssa to use her design

ALA’s Haiku Extravaganza 2013 – March 19th, 11:30am

Do you have what it takes to become Haiku Master?

Do you like Japanese culture and food?

Do you like free prizes?

Then join ALA for the second annual Haiku Extravaganza!

We’ll celebrate the coming of spring with a haikai, a traditional haiku exchange and gathering.

Nick Josten will teach a brief workshop on haiku, explaining the rules of traditional haiku and incorporating the more western form, then lead us in a haikai. By the end of the exchange, a Haiku Master will be chosen. THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!! But there will also be prizes for runners-up.

Sign up at

Can’t make the Haiku Extravaganza? ALA will exhibit a Haiku Cherry Tree in the SLAIS lounge. Write a haiku on a slip of paper provided, attach it to the tree, and watch it grow throughout the week. Donations will go to support ALA@UBC.

ALA Midwinter 2013: What I learned

The first thing you should learn for attending the Midwinter Meeting of the American Library Association (hereafter ALA MW) is this: ARC stands for Advance Reader Copy, and these, fellow library students, these are your booty. Pirate-style booty, just so we’re clear. Publishers hand out ARCs to anyone passing by (for real, you can get an “exhibits only” pass and just wander around getting free books), so be prepared for the impending onslaught. Don’t think you can get this book selection out of the way on the first day either — new books are unpacked daily. You can even get some books signed by the author!

Not all the books are free, of course — some of the books are set to be released in only a few months, but these are available for *well* below retail value, and the author was frequently there signing. There are also display copies so librarians can make note of possible acquisitions, and these go on sale the last day of the conference. While I wasn’t there, I was warned it would be a madhouse. As proof of the utter bounty of books, I present my swag. I don’t even feel ashamed posting this because I saw other people taking this many books at a time (it took me three days).

Advance Reader Copies from ALA Midwinter 2013

Advance Reader Copies from ALA Midwinter 2013

The second thing to learn: don’t bring bags. Or do, if you have a favorite heavy-duty-bag, and a long way to walk, but don’t feel required to, as publishers also hand out bags like candy.

On a more serious note, make sure you have business cards — if only because it’s easier to hand over a business card than write your contact information every time you want to enter a drawing (I think there were 10 companies raffling off iPad minis?). Even more, though, it’s amazing how unprepared you can feel without a business card the instant that someone asks you for one — so learn from my mistake and print some business cards — you can find great deals on the internet.

Next, and possibly most important rule for visiting ALA MW: go with a friend. If you’re not the networking/gregarious/extroverted type, try to find someone who is, and learn from what they do. Even a fellow non-networker/introvert could make it less intimidating to talk to people — strength in numbers! If you’re one of those networking types, don’t think your friend will take advantage of you; also, I have it on good authority that it can be helpful to have another person, to enable easy escape from dragging conversations and generally help build a conversation rather than an interview. Also, it’s rather nice to have a friendly face in the big crowd, someone with whom you can share ALA MW tips: “Penguin has cake at 3:30! ACRL has cupcakes! Trashiest romance I’ve ever seen at booth 100 — check it out!”

I fall onto the introvert/listening-not-talking side of the equation myself, so I can’t give tips-for-extroverts,* but here are my ALA MW-specific tips for introverts: go to the newcomer/first-timer meetings, because everyone else is in the same boat and go to themed social events where you know everyone will have something in common. My favorite ploy for social events in general: wander around until you hear someone talking about something you’re interested in, and join the conversation with a “I didn’t mean to eavesdrop, but I heard someone mention [totally awesome thing of awesome] — can I join the conversation? I love [totally awesome think of awesome]!” Sadly, one of the social-event rooms at ALA MW was too loud for this to work, but it is a tried and true technique in my social event arsenal.

* if you want the extrovert’s tips for attending ALA MW, contact Mary J.

Founders of Little Free Library at ALA Midwinter

Rick Brooks (L) and Tod Boll (R), founders of the Little Free Library movement. We chatted with them for some time due to some research on Little Free Libraries being conducted by SLAIS students (I don’t remember their names! mea culpa).

But ALA MW isn’t just about the exhibit hall — it’s the meetings too. There is a huge variety of meetings, even ignoring the closed ones. Many of these meetings are small, so don’t be afraid if you’re one of eight people, including presenters, in a huge ballroom (true story). Sessions also come in many formats — discussion groups, presentations, updates, interviews — and the details aren’t always listed. Go to something that sounds cool, and hopefully it will be! Just remember that you might have to walk 5 blocks to a different hotel.

Lastly, if you’re the type who had library mentors before you came to SLAIS (especially if you don’t see them often now due to distance), reach out to them before ALA MW — they might just be attending! I forgot to do this, and then almost literally ran into one of my old library inspirations, so once again, learn from my mistake, and make coffee plans in advance, not when you almost run smack into someone in a hotel lobby.

In short, go forth and make use of the ALA MW possibilities! It’s the smaller, cheaper, less intimidating (if you don’t like crowds) version of ALA Annual meeting, and it will almost certainly be awesome.

Erin Watkins (L, our new co-op coordinator) and Heather Shand (R) represent SLAIS at ALA Midwinter!

Erin Watkins (L, our new co-op coordinator) and Heather Shand (R) represent SLAIS at ALA Midwinter!

Meeting Minutes | 23 November 2010

ALA Student Chapter Meeting Minutes – November 23, 2010; 11 a.m.

1. Heidi: Welcome new members and attendance
In attendance:
Heidi Schiller , Naomi Schemm, Anna Doyle, Rachel Balko, Andrew Berger, Tristan Campbell, Michael Grutchfield, Juntin Unrau, Kate Longley, Yolanda Bustos, Dan Pon

2. Approval of October meeting minutes- October minutes approved.
Are meeting minutes going to be saved in paper format? Or are we just going to put the meeting minutes/ constitution, etc on the website? Or both?
FTP space and secretary keeps copies.

3. Elections:
• Co-Chair: Heidi
• Co-Chair: Naomi
• Treasurer: Anna
• Secretary: Yolanda
• Communications/Webmaster: Kate
Nominations voted on and approved.
Heidi promised to try and put a pop machine in the lounge and create a PhD nap space.

4. Naomi: Process for becoming a LASSA Group
– We are a group under LASSA as of January 1st.

5. Heidi: Process for becoming officially recognized with ALA
We are on track, we just have to send information to the ALA liaison and then we get plaque and materials.
Officers will need to get an official ALA membership A.S.A.P.

6. Brainstorming of events/program ideas for next semester: asterisks mark ideas that have been promoted as the ideas we’d like to pursue in the next calendar year.
January 10th : Youth New Media Awards- young adult book talks and cookies.
Collab with YACS and YALSA
*March 6-12:Teen Tech Week: Talk with digital tattoo project?
*March 16: Freedom of Information Day. (Michael will try to think about a way to figure out talks for FOI, Heidi also knows a freedom of information lawyer- perhaps we can have a panel contrasting USA and Canadian protections)
*April: School library month- summer reading lists (reviews! donate prizes! Bookstore- ice cream!)
April 2-9: Money smart week: personal financial literacy (library budgeting and finance workshop)
April 10-16: Natl. library week-
April 12: Natl. drop everything and read day (read in!)
April 12: Natl. library workers day
April 13: Natl. book mobile day
April 14: support teen lit day
April 24-30: preservation week
April 30: children’s book day
May 1-7: choose privacy week
May 9-10: natl library legislative day
September: library card sign up month (something with VPL- collab?)
Sept 24- Oct 1: banned books week (read passages from your favorite banned books!)
Oct 16-22: Natl. friends of Libraries week (guest speaker from a friends group) (managing relationships with friends groups)
Oct 16-22: Teen read week (partner with YACS and YALSA)
Nov 12: Natl. Gaming Day (live on line tourneys with other libraries, gaming system in the lounge)
Other ideas:
Field trip! Bellingham -> a tour and a talk with American librarians.
UW talk? Suggested panel on differences between libraries on either side of the border. Washington state library Asst.- ask Eric.
The problem with speakers is funding (for transportation). Possible webcast?
American Holidays.
February is black history month. (readings, open mic night, treats)
President’s days
Resurrecting works un-cited

Ideas for fundraising:
Holiday themed ideas.
*Valentines Day! Monday the 14th of Feb. : TBD first meeting in January;
• Candy grams? Literary Valentines? Literary “love” kits (candy, poetry, etc. in a package)
• Intense/ romantically charged passages read from the classics.
• Matchmakers (with top 10 books).
Would we be interested in taking part in the BCLA cookbook?
Baked goods or perhaps a heartier meal (stew?) that could be made/served in croc pots. BYOBowl! Because sometimes you don’t want cookies-you want a bowl of STEW!

8. Next meeting date?
First meeting of the term: January 19th @Noon in Trail
Should we establish a de-facto meeting date?
Yes. Third Tuesday of each month (after initial meeting) at 11 in trail. Approved and posted to calendar. Naoimi reserved trail room.
9. Other business:
Orientation: January 4th. Club fair style set up.
What materials/signage/brochures do we need?
Who are we? What we do? When/ Where when we meet?
Volunteers? Heidi/ Kate /Anna/ Michael will probably be available to take shifts. Heidi will find out what kind of information we need. Kate will draft informational brochure to give away to interested new students.

Career fair: No career fair this year but clubs are encouraged to invite speakers near the end of term 2 for informal student/professional gathering. Ideas?
Maybe we can organize a speaker from the states and use SLAIS “bribe money” to get funding for the event. Heidi will try to cull her resources in Washington.

ALA annual conference-> nominations and process?
Heidi will contact Don.