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This post is in response to the external blog post ” Understanding the traits of online shoppers to drive conversions “. After reading the blog post regarding the behavior of online shoppers- many things popped into my head. One of which was my automatic nature to group myself into one of the groups that they describe- of which, varied depending on my mood, when surfing the web. The interesting statistic that only .03% of all site visitors categorized as “Big spenders” make up 30% of the average online retailers revenue is huge- This statistic alone puts huge emphasis on the importance of online presence and environment in regards to marketing.

Categorizing your online customers that visit your website- enables you (the vendor) to make changes to your marketing strategy based on the overall trends in behavior exhibited by these customers on a consistent basis. Imagine finding ways to convert just another .01% of the total online visitor population into big spenders, that small change alone would have drastic effects to your overall revenue. This includes finding ways to accommodate the “shopper in a hurry” so that they can checkout fast enough without having to enter a bunch of useless user information.

Attacking this situation from a marketing perspective using such things as the four P’s, may have some effect as breaking down the user population may help you better market to a certain place that may yield better buying trends. When breaking down information to specific and clearer categories- it makes it evident to both the vendor and its respective marketing team, what needs to be altered and changed- in the hopes to increase this conversion rate of online visitors.



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