Hi all!
It has been awhile – and by awhile I mean like a semester and some change. Whoops. I didn’t intend to be neglectful, but you know life gets in the way and by life I mean university. I can easily say that my first term of sophomore year hasn’t been the most graceful in terms of excelling at school. As difficult as it has been, I have learned so much! University is a learning experience that expands well past what you discover and study in the classroom.
I have found myself here.
Who I am, what I stand for, and what I want in life – I have discovered all of that here. I can’t say that all of these discoveries are set in stone, but it’s a start. I can’t help but think that with each passing year in university I change a bit more but become more concrete in who I am as a person. It’s a beautiful occurrence that I think you won’t understand unless you undergo it yourself. And I hope you do.
I’ve gained a lot from my time here and I want to be better at sharing it with you. I’m going to attempt to commit more time to this, not only for readers, but for myself as well. It’s always entertaining to look at where you have been and where you are. This is my documentation of my experience and I hope you enjoy it.
Before I leave you I have compiled some short bullet points to essentially sum up where I am currently in my ever fascinating life here at UBC.
– I’m entering second term of my sophomore year
-I volunteer as a psychology research assistant
-I live off-campus
-I work as a barista part-time
-I switched my major from Cognitive Systems to Psychology
-I’m still in a long distance relationship with my wonderful Marine boyfriend (Over a year strong, hooray!)
-I’m attempting (and somewhat failing) at spending less time on Netflix and more time learning to be a functional adult
So, that’s pretty much it in a nutshell. I’m going to do my best to cover some of these topics and more over the next few weeks to give you an idea of not only what life at UBC is like, but what life as a student in Vancouver is like. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to suggest a topic for me to write about, feel free to comment below! Thanks! Happy belated holidays and happy New Year!