Category Archives: Uncategorized

Midterm Stress?

It consumes all of us going through the process…

We hibernate in our rooms while studying…

Lose track of time…


But worst of all, we worry, naturally. I’m here to tell you – RELAX. We’re all so busy with exam stress we forget we made it this far. You did it last semester, do it again. 🙂


Finally, don’t completely bury yourself in your books and studying. Remember, especially on the sunny days, this campus is gorgeous. So breathe in, breathe out, and relax.





Hello world!

Hello all!

So, you’re probably wondering what in the world my title means. Tuum Est is UBC’s motto which is Latin for ‘It is Yours’. In an effort to display my day to day adventures at UBC I wanted to explain how I made UBC my own in a variety of ways. Being in a completely new area surrounded by strangers, I quickly learned the best way to adapt was to make UBC my home. As the weeks go by I intend to show all of the aspects of my first year in university through this blog. I anticipate there will be plenty of ups, downs, and complete turnarounds, but it will all shape my life as a student here which in turn will make me more knowledgeable of my surroundings. Look forward to plenty of journeys (I love to explore!) and honesty about what student life is like. Thanks for reading! Now, I’m off to get better acquainted with my new home.