Category Archives: Finding Your Passion

Leadership & Involvement as a Thunderbird

Almost everywhere you look at UBC you’ll see some form of advertising for getting involved on your campus or “giving back” to your future alma mater. While the options may seem like a lot of work or not interesting, I firmly believe there’s something for every Thunderbird. As I’ve mentioned in past blogs, there’s a niche’ for a variety of individuals and interests. While these opportunities may only focus on this idea of “giving back” to your school, there’s equal opportunities for you to also gain something from the experience. I found my opportunities through various leadership positions on campus.

My second year of university began the same way my first year did – with the unforgettable Imagine Day. Except, this time around, I was a student leader in charge of a group of new –to-UBC students. It was a good chance for me to practice being in a leadership role while simultaneously re-living one of my personal favourite memories from freshman year. Now, in the second half of my second year, I am taking this same role a step further. After an application and interview process, I was given the opportunity to be an Imagine Day Orientation Squad Leader. In this position I would be observing not one, but about 10 new-to-UBC student groups which each contain anywhere from 5 and up in people. It seems like a huge responsibility but leadership is a learning and ever-growing process.

This particular volunteer job has given me the chance to strengthen the leadership abilities I already possess as well as learn new ones. The orientation leader position required me to attend the UBC Student Leadership Conference (The SLC) and partake in a weekend long retreat in the stunningly beautiful Chehalis. This is just the beginning of my role and I’ve already gained more than I’ve given. I’ve made new connections, found new friends, learned more about my community, and more all in the process of giving back to UBC. These are just a few of the things my opportunities have given to me. I encourage you to find your own whether it be a leadership role, within extracurriculars, or even a club – the options are diverse and numerous. If my experience seems like something you would also enjoy, please apply to be an orientation leader here:

Feel free to leave any question, comments, or even your own personal stories on involvement and/or leadership in the comments section below. Happy studying!


Like every other young adult I’ve found myself wondering what my purpose is. What am I going to do with my life? Who and what am I going to be when I “grow up”? It seems I’ve been catapulted in to adulthood and I find myself unsure of how to answer any of these questions! Initially, I was pretty worried, maybe a little scared, but after a few months of university I felt something way better – INSPIRED.

In high school I knew what I was good at subject wise but, I didn’t know what I liked. University classes have opened my eyes to the very large world I’ve been missing out on! It has been great to not only read perspectives from across the globe but also hear them first hand from my class mates. Issues I’ve never thought of have been brought to light and I’ve realized what gets me excited – human rights and activism. Now, I have no idea if I will or can make a career out of this interest, but I’m slowly finding what I’m passionate about and it is one of the best feelings. I get excited to go to class because I am frequently inspired by not only what I find in the classroom but outside on campus as well.

So, I still don’t have my life all together. A few months ago I would be pulling my hair out over this fact, but now I’ve learned to just enjoy the marvelous learning journey that is university. This awesome time is all about finding myself and what I stand for as a person and it’s been great learning about who I am. I know what I enjoy now and by learning what my interests are I know I’ll be able to not only pick a major that’s right for me but a career that I’m passionate about. If you’re anything like I was – panicking over your future – RELAX.  This time is all about learning about yourself, it’s a process that takes time, but can ultimately be enjoyable once you find what type of work gets you excited!