Bringing Energy Awareness into your House

Energy Aware‘s sleek, user-friendly PowerTab is a gadget that I would personally want to invest not only my money, but time into. Customizing the item to provide instant feedback on electrical use in both dollar and time values, provides a significant point of difference for Energy Aware. A point of difference that as a customer, would catch my attention and interest. Its point of parity however, is a significant one in contrast.

 “BC Hydro agrees to modify smart-meter program.” – Globe and Mail…so Energy Aware isn’t the only one reaching out to the every growing, environmentally aware, prime target market. The recent implementation of BC Hydro’s smart-meter program might prove to be the rope tying the advancement of the PowerTab in locations other than San Diego.

Having just gotten the PowerTab recently approved in San Diego’s loyal borders, Energy Aware needs to focus on the next big challenge; that is now getting approval from BC Hydro for the sale of the highly anticipated PowerTab in British Columbia.

I don’t doubt that the PowerTab would be a hit to all citizens – young and old – concerned with the state of their environment. What I have doubts about is with the swift approval from fellow competitor BC Hydro. Because really, who would want to give rights to a small, new company to sell a relatively more favourable product, along with a corner of their overall revenue gained from the smart-meter program?

Well, with fingers crossed, all environmentally  intrigued  citizens can enjoy the wireless connecting, not privacy intrusive, and electrical usage resource on their countertops in the near future.

Entrepreneurship Isn’t Getting Any Younger


When we think about entrepreneurs, society can automatically spit out names like Mark Zuckerberg, or Craig Kielburger. All the young and the restless. Most citizens, and like-minded business people think if they want to be a successful entrepreneur they A) better have the new, best thing and B) do it when they are young. Because come on, how else are you supposed to make the Top 30 Under 30 when you’re 40?
What most people overlook is that these entrepreneurial opportunities don’t expire at a certain age.



Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s not the youngest entrepreneur of them all? Richard Branson, 62 year-old founder and CEO of Virgin Group, is just that. Having led a plentiful life full of business success, Mr. Branson has recently talked about how senior entrepreneurs can break the socially anticipated image, and use age to their advantage. 

“Older entrepreneurs can use their age to their advantage, both in business and in life.” Stating that real-life experience is just as important as the fancy MBA, and vibrant new idea. Even though change is inevitable, and the demand of the business world must keep up with those changes, the old-fashioned, traditional methods of efficiency and creativity still have an edge.
Mr. Branson believes that “Senior entrepreneurs can bring the best of both worlds to new ventures: experience and the contagious enthusiasm of a youthful mindset.” So although we would love to be running our own businesses by the age of 28, let’s take into perspective the long-run. Because being youth doesn’t mean your innovative, and being old doesn’t mean you’re not.
Read the article at:

Finance – Funny or Serious?

Funny Finance

As amusing as the above video is for most viewers, finance hold s a serious, and important part in all aspects of a business.

What is Finance?

In a general sense, finance is the management of funds and other valuables that can easily be converted into cash (ie. assets).  Finance can hold different meanings for different users like, experts, entrepreneurs, and then the academic community.


Principles of Finance

Some principles include, but are not limited to:

  1. Financing Analysis – Used to analyze financial implications and options of major purposes or growth opportunities.
  2. Balance Sheet Evaluation – Apply to financial ratios, and indicate to the owner(s) how well the company is allocating its economic resources.
  3. Cash Management – Formulas that are used to assess simply how much cash the company is generating from its day-to-day operations.

It’s Good to Note

Time Value of Money: – value of monetary figuring in a given amount of interest earned over a given amount of time.

–       Central concept in the “Finance Theory”

Time Value Terminology: – “Future Value”

–       “Present Value”

–       “Discounted Value” (to the present)

What is a Business Plan? Looking at “U&Me Dance”.

What is a Business Plan?

Is a traditionally formulaic and resourceful process for businesses to look ahead, allocate resources, focus on key points, and prepare themselves for problems and opportunities they might encounter in the company’s future.

What do Business Plans Include?

Business plans should aim to include certain key elements. Such as the businesses strengths, not many of the business’ weaknesses, a concept of security (particularly something you can convert into cash), credible data, and proof of profitability.

U&Me Dance – Dance Studio Business Plan

For an example of a business plan we’ll take into account U&Me Dance. Certain highlighted financial elements focus on their start-up expenses, funding, and monetary requirements for profitability in the first year of operation.

U&Me Dance offers a variety of dance lessons within their own facility, along with expanding into the community by offering specialty dancing in schools, and nursing homes.

The business plan also has a very realistic understanding of their target market in relation to their planned location.

-Proof of Profitability
The business plans states that U&Me Dance is the only studio that offers classical styles of ballroom, and social dance in the area of their studio location. This provides reassurance to investors/funders, and a positive outcome for profitability for a studio with such specialized dance forms.

If you’re interested, U&Me Dance’s Business Plan can be found by following the link:

Customer Value Proposition


 Typically used as a marketing strategy aimed at consumers, related to a specific product or service. These strategies detail the reasons why a consumer would benefit from purchasing the advertised product.



The article “BAE, EADS talks may spur more mergers” is about the collaboration of BAE Systems, a defence and security product provider, and EADS a global leader in providing aerospace and military defence services.  Particularly how both European sectors of the companies are in “advanced talks to create an industry giant that would overtake rival(s)…”

A brief overview of BAE and EADS’ big talk is to keep up with competing business’ include overtaking rivals in sales and contend with cutbacks in Europe and the United States. They are also aiming to create a better balance between commercial and defence for EADS, and obtain breadth in civil aircraft for BAE Systems.


The main rival being Boeing, Chicago-based aerospace leader.


 Value propositions are important for companies to use to indicate in which categories there is room for growth and advancement, or in what categories there are already companies at the top of the ladder. 

In this case, BAE has a largely established image as a  defence company, so trying to expand into civil aircraft could be unappealing to investors and tough to compete with companies who provide civil transportation as their primary service.



Here’s the link:

The Globe and Mail: “BAE, EADS talks may spur more mergers”

Below is an image for COMM 101 students’ enjoyment in the understanding of Value Propositions!

The Value Proposition

“Hate the player, not the game”

Hello Business World!


My post today is focusing on two famous words, “Wall Street”. A term highly recognized in the business section of any Newspaper, and fantasized about in the minds of young Sauder students. The article titled “Ethics on Wall Street: Hate the player, not the game”, a twist on the classical saying about encouraging sportsmanship. The author of this article is suggesting anything but. Proposing that the scary stories of unfair play, and low moral standards are true of New York’s famous Wall Street.

The article from Canadian Business states that the results of surveying several Wall Street executives concluded that “24% of respondents believe that financial professionals need to engage in unethical behaviour in order to get ahead”, and only “26% report having observed some form of wrongdoing.”

Whatever the reasoning for such encouraging results I personally, highly doubt with little contemplation that only 26% have observed a wrongdoing. Before reading the author’s own personal response to the statistics, I was astounded that these people we hold on pedestals of power, and authority of certain financial and social obligations, would attempt to stoop so low as to try and fool us as a society.
Another 16% admitted that they would engage in illegal activities if they could get away with it. An interesting article I found relating to this particular topic of insider trading expands on why some Wall Street rats believe that insider trading shouldn’t be illegal and isn’t unethical at all.

The main ethical issue embedded in the article is so elegantly stated by the author as “the difference between our ethical evaluation of capitalists and our ethical evaluation of capitalism.” The concept that the system is expected to produce good outcomes regardless of the cleanliness of their unethical employees ultimately is the view of many Wall Street capitalists, businessmen.

Even though some may say that such dirty work could easily be predicted in Wall Street and that it should come as no surprise, it took three simple statistics to illustrate the bleak and unethical legitimacy of the business that we hold at such a prestigious level.

Would you want to work at Wall Street if this pressing virtue of cheating to get ahead was a constant part of your daily work?

To what extent could you be morally unethical? Would you get involved in illegal means of trade, like insider trading?

What would the cost be if insider trading were legal?

If you’re interested in reading the full articles they can be found at the links provided below:

