Nestle: Sharing is caring

by alicexwo

As I Googled “companies with shared value”, the only company that appeared on the first results page was Nestle. On the website, it says “what is CSV (creating shared value)?” and “how we implement CSV”. By stating that they are aligning the goals of philanthropy and maximizing profit, they are establishing a competitive advantage – the first major company to explicitly claim to use CSV. Their cliental base is more likely to expand due to the good-willed mission values. Nestle helps in areas regarding global nutrition, water, rural development, responsible sourcing, environmental sustainability, and human rights and compliance. The broad scope of their compassionate efforts serve as a model for other companies to follow.

Nestle shares its values

The idea itself appeals to consumers because it shows an empathetic angle to a multinational corporation that seemingly only focuses on product sales. The company also becomes more involved with its shareholders by asking them to identify global issues, giving them feedback on how to address these problems therefore helping produce optimistic results. The inclusion of their input instills pride and ownership of the company. The joint effort to bring change to the world only increases brand loyalty. Instead of viewing philanthropy as an obligation and burden, Nestle has found a way to embrace social and business benefits.
