Apple, Goes to Making Customers Irrational.

(Left is 4s, right is 4)

I find that cusomers are very irrational when they see the good they extremely want to purchase. Then, impulse makes consumers think less and buy the goods immediately.
According to my observation, an opportunity for  firma is to make customers irrational and raise their impulse. Considered about the new Iphone released in 4th. Oct., I think the one challege for apple is how to convince people to give up the iphone4 in their hand and buy iphone4s which has few improvement in outlook. The solution is very simple–making customers irrational.

Firstly, Apple can drive people irrational by advertising. That is using limited-time advertising to show the main difference and improvement between 4s and 4, meanwhile introducing what more Iphone4s can bring to consumers than Iphone4.

Secondly, Apple should make use of costumers’ loyalty. Many people buy new iphone simply because it is Apple’s.

 Last but not least, intentionally asking some people to be walking advertisement (especially in the BBS). The flaunt or recommendation from friends is more effective than other promotion. It can really drive people irrational and raise the impulse.

I hope Iphone4s can change the world again after Iphone4. 🙂

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Starbucks’ Ethical Sourcing (For Class 3)

Starbucks and Conservation International Update

The first company coming to my mind that relates to business ethics is Starbucks. Starbucks has a very high ethical standard and it calls its global responsibility as Ethical Sourcing.

 “It’s our goal for all of our coffee to be grown under the highest standards of quality, using ethical trading and responsible growing practices. We think it’s a better cup of coffee that also helps create a better future for farmers and a more stable climate for the planet.” This is the description of Ethical Sourcing in Starbucks website and this description fully explains Starbucks attitude towards business ethics. As what I have known, Starbucks implement the concept of Ethical Sourcing mainly in coffee purchasing, farmer support, community involvement, recycling & reusable cups,  energy & water conservation, green building. etc. Ethical Sourcing almost covers every aspects of being ethical as a cafe.

What is more,  with the help of Ethical Sourcing guidelines, Starbucks purchases coffee that is responsibly grown and ethically traded. Starbucks evaluates its suppliers for its commitment to social responsibility too when it purchases products for our stores.

For us customers, how can we take the social responsibility in this case? The answer is buy ethically sourced coffee!

(Read more Starbucks Global Responsibility:

(Read more Starbucks Ethical Sourcing Goals:

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“The Public’s Out There Throwin’ Darts at A Board, Sport. I don’t Throw Darts at A Board – I Bet on Sure Things”

The title is quoted from Gekko in Wall Street(1987).  Here the “sure things” is the most valuable commodity–that is information. Bud and Gekko were punished by the justice and law finally because they violated the business ethics which is collecting inside information and stock manipulation.

Around us, there are many real example of the Wall Street. Jianzhong Wang is actually one of them in China. Jianzhong is a stock market black mouth in fact. First, he bought many stock with low price. Next,  he used his investment company’s name to  publish a lot of stock analysis on Chinese Stock Newspaper to recommend readers to buy the stock that he bought before. Then when the price of the stock goes up remarkably due to tremendous volume of trade, he sold his stock out, which helped him make money but made followers tie up.

Another case happened on Sokol who is the hottest successor for Buffett. He took the advantages of inside information, that BHC would purchase Lubrizol, to make 3 million money. He violated business ethics by using inside information.

 Information is like a sweety pie. You will feel happy if you eat some but you will get diabetes if you eat much.

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