Where is my choice?

Recently, China Central Television reports that Dumex Baby Food Co bribes doctors and nurses “sponsorship fees” to promote its baby formula products. Doctors and nurses give the first milk product of Dumex to neonates without telling babies’ parents.

From the marketing strategy of the Dumex Baby Food Co, the goal of this action is to set up a long-run relationship with its new customers who just sleep in incubators. After babies drink a first milk product of Dumex, they might reject other brands of milk, such as Nestle, even breast milk, therefore, babies have to rely on the baby formula products of Dumex.

China is one of the lowest breastfeeding rates in the world thanks to the misunderstanding of health as well as “brainwashes” mothers from marketing. The baby formula companies try to target developing countries claiming their baby formula products to women who will be better off breastfeeding.

Many health organisations have recommended that mothers should breastfeed their babies who are under six months; after six months, babies can eat nutritious complementary foods till two years. However, the Dumex Co conspires to the hospitals monopolizing the milk supply on their own responsibilities. It is unethical for the company and hospital deciding to choose which milk formula products to babies regardless of babies and their parent’s choices. It is unfair and not respect to these babies and their parents since they even do not have chances to choose between breast milk and other brands of milk.