3 Weeks before due date: Teacher hands out assignment. You shove it in your backpack and promptly forget it exists because you have “forever” to finish it.
2 weeks before due date: You find above assignment when conducting an impromptu cleaning of your backpack at 1 a.m. due to reaching your time limit on Megavideo. After identifying the meaning on the pile of papers, you throw it on your desk where you’ll maybe see it tomorrow, but don’t worry about it because there is “so much time” before it is due.
1 week before due date: While frantically studying for a midterm that starts in 2 hours, you find assignment. Disregard it because you have 3 midterms to study for between now and then.
1 day before due date: While talking to your friend in class, he questions about your progress on the assignment. You remember it exists and immediately enter “oh, s***” mode”.
12 hours before due date: You ditch the rest of your classes for the day and head home, leaving yourself plenty of time to complete assignment. Spend the next 6 hours catching up on all the shows you meant to but never have time for.
6 hours before due date: Finally manage to close computer and start assignment. Realize you know absolutely nothing on the assignment, so decide to take brief power nap to rejuvenate.
3 hours before due date: Hm, power nap lasted longer than expected. Stare at assignment again. Nap did nothing to improve your knowledge of the assignment. Open laptop to look up how to do first question. But first, quickly check your Facebook.
2 hours before due date: Get off Facebook. You’re hungry, so you decide to try out this new cheesecake recipe you’ve been meaning to make.
30 minutes before due date: Sit down and start assignment. Your stress is leveling out at approximately cruising altitude, so you start filling in random numbers with large graphs.
15 minutes before due date: You may be hallucinating. Graphs starting to make pretty shapes that look like laughing faces. You press on.
1 minute before due date: Log into Vista. “Error: Session Already Running”. Try not to murder your computer. Refresh screen 15 times before Vista realizes that there is actually NO other screen open.
3 seconds before due date: Submit homework
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