Tag Archives: grateful

30 Days of Happiness – Day 1


It has certainly been a while since I have last posted anything on here. The reason for that is surely not because the workload is too much, but because I have been overly occupied with my perpetual state of sickness. Homesickness, food sicknesss, sick sickness. I am sick of being sick.

My state of being has been so close to rock bottom that I believe I can only move up from here. Hence, the commencement of my thirty days of happiness where I will share something happy. Because we all know that the world could use a little bit of happiness right now. Especially considering the turn of events with the American elections recently. The first thing I could say I am happy about right now is that I am a Canadian citizen. However, here is my first entry,

Today, I am happy with having the most supportive friends. Despite the nine hour time difference, we are able to communicate with each other and they continue to listen to all my shit. So bless them for having to hear about my problems while I am on what is supposedly an ‘envy-worthy exchange’.  I am also happy to have received a book from my brother today. It was my birthday present from him and it seems to be such an interesting book. I have forgotten the title however the book concerns race and identity in America. Once I finish the book I shall talk about it on here! Hopefully by then I will remember the title.

It is 11:37 PM and I am tired.

À la prochaine!