Where to Locate a Start-Up

Maxwell Wessel gives some insightful thoughts for new start-ups in his blog post. Wessel emphasizes on three important questions new entrepreneurs need to focus on when deciding on a start-up location including the city’s advantage, how their business can be set apart, and the possibilities to get exposure there. If entrepreneurs start outside a super hub, it would be more difficult to find customers, employees, and funding. It would be vital for these companies to develop an edge. It could be the culture or type of partnership but what it comes down to is exposure. Exposure facilitates the relationships between the company, its customers, incumbents, and competitors.

This post was quite thought provoking because I never realized how important location is for a start-up business. I would have thought that it is beneficial to begin a unique company in a remote area where it would be possible take advantage of having the market power to set prices and standards. For example, would it be more profitable to start up a lemonade stand in a small rural community with no competitors or to run a café in a competitive city? But perhaps, the criteria for one industry over another is different.


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