It’s that time of the year again! You know, the one where you realize your midterms are over, you’re breathing a sigh of relief, only to turn two pages in your planner and realize that your finals are in two weeks.  You panic.  You writhe, foaming at the mouth, and die.  Or I dunno, maybe that was just me.  But don’t worry.  I cleaned up all the froth.

Seriously though, I can’t believe Term 1’s almost over.  I’m just not ready for this… plus I actually have an oral test for Japanese next week.  Ahahah… Oh man just put me in the slammer already, I don’t think I can handle all this work without going crazy.  I hope everyone else has started studying early, get that pressure off your chest.  But of course, there are the few of you, like some of my friends, who are still struggling with term papers and such and have just as busy a week as any in your lives at UBC thus far.  So, to you, I say good luck.  Or “ganbatte”, as I have learnt in Japanese, but also Econ.  I don’t know why Prof. Gateman has put in all these Asian language/culture references in his GBook but there you are…
That man is such a mystery.  I don’t even.

I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while.  Been busy, but also been slacking.  You all know how I am with updating.  Nothing hugely important has happened since I last posted… which is a long time ago.  But still.  Have an appropriate picture:

I love Kim Possible, I don't care how old I get.


English was fine until I found out I hated the book we had to read.  It’s like 400 pages.  And I know many of you will compare this measley amount to the large textbooks and whatnot that you’ve struggled with in your lives–to you, I say, THERE IS NOTHING WORSE FOR ME THAN MY AP BIOLOGY TEXTBOOK.  Still, this book is awful–while textbooks are boring and know it, fiction novels have a very set purpose: NEVER WASTE YOUR READERS’ TIME.  Thus, it should be pretty interesting.  This book, though… I hate it.  I hate everything about it.  I won’t say what it is in fear of getting mauled by people who “appreciate its [insert pretentious quality here]” but I still detest it.  I wish I’d looked at which class I’d picked in English more carefully–each section is different, after all, and if I had a choice now I’d have definitely switched to the class doing Watchmen.  Graphics novels are like the pinnacle of my existence.

Also, things turned for the better in creative writing.  I wrote out some personal sob story in my life about my grandfather’s passing and apparently it merited a good mark.  While I much preffered my first assignment and worked on it for weeks, instead of the 2.5 hours I spent on this one, I realize what you want to write isn’t always appreciated by the masses, and really, maybe it’s not even that good at all–it’s just that you like the content, so it looks like the holy grail when you’re done.  Shame, really–but at least I’m not doing badly in such a simple course.  Still, I love it, and sometimes hearing people say they just took it because they need a GPA booster is understandable, but still grinds my gears…

And don’t talk to me about Econ.  Just don’t.


HMV Downtown is closing.  What.  Why.  Okay, well I know why, but I’ll miss it–don’t tell me (if you’ve been living in Vancouver forever like me) that you don’t regard that particular HMV store as a sort of iconic landmark in the city (just watch Tron: Legacy)? I mean, I barely even went in there (most people didn’t) but I mean, it’s just always been there.  Like a friend you don’t actually talk to you but you need to be there at partiesNow I’m not saying I can’t embrace change, but sometimes it’s a bitter pill to swallow, moreso for some people than others.
I went to say my goodbyes by buying some stuff at the huge sale.  If only my dad was in town, I’m sure he’d love it (everyone has that friend or family member who will hover over movie bargain bins like a vulture and just buy stuff because it’s interesting and cheap… or sometimes, just cheap), but as far me, I didn’t walk out with any CDs.  I blame the Muse fans–they took all the CDs, damn them, there weren’t even any vinyls.  Anyways, I ended up getting Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (and if you got the reference from this post’s title, I think we’ll get along quite well), a Flash doll (because I like the Flash, this has nothing to do with Big Bang Theory), a harmonica (no misfit from the 90’s should go without one), and a John Lennon mug.  I’ll miss you, HMV.

Other Shenanigans

I just started reading Homestuck kinda late on the bandwagon there, Alyssa.  No, it’s not a book–it’s a webcomic, of different sorts… if you know what it is, high five.  This is awesome.  If you don’t like to ‘waste time on silly comics’ avoid this like the plague.  Seriously.  And lighten up



And that was just after the first 15 seconds.

Alright, if you have no idea what The Hunger Games is, it’s a teen novel trilogy, and I know the word ‘teen’ puts a lot of people off from the get-go (like me), but it’s pretty DAMN good.  I don’t know why people keep comparing it to Twilight and I’ll never know because I refuse to ever read/watch anything about Twilight but annoying fangirls aside, I’m so pumped for this movie.  A midnight watching is totally happening.  If you haven’t read The Hunger Games, I’d recommend it, though it isn’t for everyone, obviously.  My English prof read it, says he can’t stand teen angst.  It got to me a little, but not in the first book, so at least pick it up if you’re curious.  Think: Battle Royale, only a little more 1984 and in North America.  I hate comparing it to Battle Royale but the BR fandom are spazzes who think THGs copied them.  Whatever.  The Lion King copied Kimba–be honest, WHICH ONE IS THE TOTALLY MORE AWESOME MOVIE BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT’S THE GODDAMNED LION KING.


…That’s it.  If you’re wondering if I’ve been up anything else since midterms finished, here’s my answer:

Although it’s kind of a half-truth–it’s never the “perfect day ever” in Vancouver.



2 thoughts on “DON’T PANIC

    • I KNOW ISN’T IT AWESOME. Remember when cartoons were good…

      We’re reading “Stanley Park” by Timothy Taylor. Looking at it again, I know it’s not a /bad/ book (I’ve read bad books and this is nowhere as awful), but I still don’t like it…

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