Adieu, Exams, Parting Is Such Sweet Awesomeness

Or should I say: Term One is TERM-INATED? AHAHAHAHAHA … ಠ_ಠ

…Anyways, I’m really glad that’s all done and over with.  Now, I’m not about to tell you how I think the marks went because I’m pretty sure I’m going to end up disappointed, but I’m waiting to see for myself.  Until then, here’s a pretty good summary (in sketch form, because the awesome peeps over at Blog Squad reminded me it’s a good idea to stick to my promise of sketches ;P).  I apologize for the lack of effort in this sketch, but if you had the week that I just had, you’d probably have carpal tunnel and a permanent brain fart clogging up your cerebrum.*
*Slight exaggeration

JAPANESE: OH NO A THIN BOOKLET.  THAT CAN ONLY MEAN IT’S HARD.  (Thick beginner language exams usually mean there are easy conjugation tables and such, unless you have that cruel prof who makes a long and difficult exam to make sure you die and stay dead).

Click for full size

Okay, so you’re looking at this, had a few good laughs because my sense of humour and comical wit has really gotten the best of you, and thought, “Wait a minute, that’s just three exams.  And the subjects aren’t even that hard.  What do you mean by a tough week? Explain!”
To which I’d say: … Well to be honest I’d say nothing.  I mean if you’d actually go up to my face and say that I’d tag you as a judgemental critic and walk away.  You might as well be the tree up there.  Yeah that’s right.  I WENT THERE.

Joking aside… it was tough because of the lineup of exams being in the first week of exams, one on Tuesday, one on Wednesday, and one on Friday.  I barely found enough time to study for all of them, and the real problem was ECON.  It makes no sense to me.  You could sit me down for a tutorial for hours and hours, and I’d still walk away with a terrible mark in anything I tried.  This is because I was not built for Econ.  My brain supports writing terrible poetry, stupid gags on blogs that I think are funny, drawing ridiculous cartoons, and a love for impromptu jokes filled with biting sarcasm.  I don’t have much talent for looking at graphs and data, or figuring out index numbers or other logic related things.  I’m logically retarded, one could say in a rather politically incorrect fashion and personally I think we could all use a little less PC in the world, but I don’t mind.  I’ve done my best in studying Econ, and failed.  I can’t ask for anything more.


As for Japanese and English, I tried pretty hard but I’m not sure they’ll turn out that great.  There was so much stuff I had to remember for Japanese that I think I must’ve made quite a few silly mistakes on the exam.  And English… I can never finish an English exam.  How the hell do you write so much in so little time.
But these are my personal problems.  The main point I wanted to make was that: a. university exams are still the same old pain in the butt as the exams I had in high school, and b. if you’re really not fit for a course, I advise you don’t take it.  With regard to the first point, a lot of professors stress that high school is very different from university.  Which it is, in many ways.  But for me, academically, it’s just like high school.  We had to read enormous textbooks, write in a very out-of-box kind of way (not the typical boring 5-paragraph structure) and do tests and exams just like this.  My school prepared me pretty well in that regard if only they’d done something about the anti-social behaviour and the sick sense of humour, maybe life would be a bit easier right now, and I wasn’t too stressed during any of the exams.  Just keep your head clear, and everything will be fine if you know you studied hard.
Hell, I had a 3.5-4 hour exam for AP Spanish last year.  Longest.  Most.  Excruciating.  Thing.  Ever.  And you know what was funny about that? I was the only person who took it.  I was alone in that room with the invigilator.  The oral questions were so awkward when you’re talking to a computer mic by yourself in a room and the invigilator’s just like: “That’s a crap answer.”  Well they don’t say it, but you look into their eyes and you just know, silently, they’re pulling a Hans Landa.  They know you’ve messed up.  And they’re going to order your the strudel.
(If you haven’t watched Inglourious Basterds, I’m so sorry for confusing you with pastry references…)

Now, for the second point, I really hope others know that taking courses that aren’t for you are a bad idea.  “I want this course ’cause it’s a GPA booster–” WAIT.  “Well it can’t be that hard, I mean I’m terrible at everything related to it but I’m sure it–” NO.  “Well I’m awful at logic, math, and econ stuff but Gateman can’t be that har–” NONONONO.  Heed my warning: If you see a class that interests you, think beore you try.  It’s good to research, explore, and find new things, and also take risks once in a while, I mean it can be good for you.  BUT DO YOUR RESEARCH.  If you know nothing about a course, you can either come out of it happier than you imagine, or very likely, wonder why the hell you took it and do poorly or just average.  Know what you’re getting yourself into.  And do all that typical stuff advisors tell you: Look up the course, see if you know anyone who’s in it, ask people what the course is like.
I hate to sound like your mother (unless your mother doesn’t talk about these things, like mine… oh the irony…) but it’s a big revelation for me after this exam.  Just make good choices if it’s in your power.  Life’s a crazy ride but don’t purposely jump into the one cart that’s missing a wheel and plummet down the roller coaster hill.
Because that’s just stupid.

That’s all from me for now.  Next week I’ll stop harrassing you with life lessons that you already know and talk about Christmas and other fun things.  Good luck to all of you who are still doing exams! Ganbatte!


EDIT: For some reason I’ve grown attached to the tree drawing.  It’s just so… sassy.

5 thoughts on “Adieu, Exams, Parting Is Such Sweet Awesomeness

  1. To be fair to ECON101, you either have students that think it’s really easy, or students who sat in the lecture hall crying for ten minutes during the first midterm because it was that bad of a shock .__.
    But dude. Flying saucers. You haven’t seen such a deranged exam until you’ve taken this course. SO. CONFUSED.
    Gateman’s an awesome professor in many ways but his exams are crazy if you’re not good at Econ. My friend had a different prof and had such an easier time… -_-

  2. wait what? There was an actual random flying saucer question? It’s real??
    and no way people cried. I’ve seen people storm out, but not cry… yet.

    well Gateman has a different teaching style I guess. It either works or it doesn’t.

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