Hello. That is All.

While it’s no surprise that I have the blog updating consistency equal to the Vancouver weather forecast accuracy, I suppose one could say my overly-long absence from the UBC Blog scene has been far too long–even by my standards.  True, no one seemed to notice, and while that may drive a lot of people’s already insecure little ego’s twirling around in a hurricane of “why-does’t-anyone-care-about-my-blog” bouts of depression, I was rather relieved that no one had pointed out my glaringly obvious lack of commitment.  No uniformed Blog Patrollers breathing down my neck, thank you.

But now is the time to right the wrongs of the past and say: “Hey.  I was gone, and I’m back now.  For all you know, I’ve been lost in an entire dimension altogether.”  (Which would actually be a good way to rationalize why I behave the way I do on a regular basis…).  On with the show, yes?


I’ll keep this simple–I don’t know why I didn’t try to do German earlier.  It’s like I finally have a reason to tell my mom that watching obscure European art house films in high school like a pretentious lonely little hipster was a good idea.  I couldn’t have picked an easier course.  While I know many people could probably spin circles around me in Math or Econ, I am happy to say I know how to boost my mark in my own way–a good old fashioned language course.  And suddenly, I’m starting to miss French…
I’m sorry Spanish.  After our AP Course together I just feel that we should start seeing other people.

Otherwise, everything else is what I expected.  JAPN101 is the same stuff I did last term except harder and you actually have a responsibility to remember the 100 stuff (Remember my vocabulary? Surely you jest).  ENGL110 is great.  …Okay, I have some tiffs about it but who’d be stupid enough to outrightly insult anything about the course or the teachers while they’re still taking it? (I consider Econ an exception last term).  VISA110… Visual Arts.  Yeah.  I don’t know why I’m in it either.  Everytime someone teaches me Photoshop “for the first time” I’m reminded of tasting salt–I first pinch you get is alright, but by the third one you’r already feeling like you’re going to foam at the mouth and die like a slug.  …Alright, not everyone has had the fortunate experience of using “high-tech” stuff like Photoshop but sometimes the ability to abuse ‘missing’ classes tempts you the way going to Hubbards at 11:00PM is tempting as well.

Oh, right… I forgot to mention Creative Writing 208.  It’s a “Graphic Novel” course.  Again… I’ll talk about it… later.  I’m not afraid of making enemies but not now, thanks.

More Procastination… But In 3D!

So I got my hands on a 3DS.  While some people may read this and immediately peg me down for a brainless idiot who mindlessly follows the gimmicky plots of Nintendo to string along its followers (by way of repetitive titles and stupid non-sensical “industry changing innovations” like 3D), I’d prefer you to keep your elitist, FPS/Action-Adventure/Beat-Em-Up thoughts to yourself (because I know you play those) and let me have my childish fun.  Because, face it, I used to attack the 3DS too.  I looked at this over-sized DS and thought, “Surely no one needs this piece of crap.  The 3D isn’t particularly mind-blowing, and you have to be facing it a certain way as if you were a robot with a crane neck.  I mean, we can’t all be Arnold Schwarzenneger.  Silly Nintendo.”

And then Nintendo announced the following titles exclusively for Nintendo 3DS: Kingdom Hearts 3D, Professor Layton and the Mask of Miracle, Professor Layton vs. Ace Attorney, Tales of the Abyss 3DS Port, Animal Crossing 3DS, and a slew of less ridiculously JRPG-esque titles that made me literally hate myself for deciding never getting a 3DS.

Anyways, the limited edition Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time bundle came out, and I was immediately drawn to the wonders of having a 3DS just by looking at how nice it was (I was drawn to use the words ‘aesthetically pleasing’ but then remembered that might make it seem like more than it actually is).

The features are great–my favourite being StreetPass, a reminder why it is important, even as a gamer, to get like 10 minutes of sunshine a day.  No, it’s not like I’d have any other reason to see other people in the outside world *hides into cave*.  I’m only slightly joking.  With Vancouver being the way it is it’s either too damn cold or rainy or both for me to ever want to step outside never mind open a window to prevent myself from suffocating in my room surrounded by the odour of cup noodle flavouring powder.

Sad thing is when you get a 3DS but no one you know has one.  Then you end up with an empty friends list and the sinking feeling that either you don’t have friends, or your friends are all losers who judged the 3DS too harshly as you did from the beginning.  Nevertheless, I’m still playing away at this thing and budgeting out how I’m going to afford the Kingdom Hearts bundle to come.  Thanks Honour Roll, for not hiring me.  May the endless cycle of no job, no experience, no experience, no job forever haunt me.  I really need a job and it isn’t as if I haven’t looked.

That said, I’m going to end my little tirade as I’m starting to become overly furious about the idea that I’m still unemployed.  I’ll retreat back to my German textbook while spamming the A Button on my 3DS at hand.  It’s not like you need skill to play a Zelda game OHOHOHOHOHO.


Next time… God knows what.  Or even when.

2 thoughts on “Hello. That is All.

  1. I LOVE YOUR BLOG. I am an incoming first-year student, and I just submitted my UBC Blog Squad application, crossing my fingers that I am picked so I can do what you do! You’re so creative and funny — please don’t stop. Your site will definitely come in handy (and provide much entertainment) this school year! Thanks 😀

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