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Monthly Archives: October 2013

Men in Kilts! But take them seriously….

This story is humorous yet touches upon very relevant business concepts. Men in Kilts, started out in 2002 as a window cleaning service and was started out on Metro Vancouver. This same business is now in cities across North America, and has a projected revenue of $6 million this year. “You need to stick out from the crowd in this day and age. If I started Nick’s Window Cleaning, you wouldn’t be calling today”- says owner Nicholas Brand. Brand demonstrates […]

Is “quantity” truly ever better than “quality”?: TESCO re-vamps its image with “finest” foods.

http://uk.reuters.com/article/2013/10/07/uk-tesco-finest-idUKBRE9960K620131007 This article struck me as particularly interesting this week, as I had spent at least an hour at the grocery store on Saturday trying to shave pennies and dimes off of my grocery bill. In unstable economic times in the UK a current trend in the UK is to minimize on grocery store expenditure, yet TESCO is spending its resources developing higher end products. Its shocking, however reflects an interesting move on TESCO’s part. In the last 15 years, […]

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