Fake it till you become it: Cuddy urges us all to be Wonder Woman

Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk

“Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” – Amy Cuddy

I wanted to share this video for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I find that there is a distinct value in working on perfecting your personal image and brand (Hmm, I think that’s the aspiring Marketing student speaking up). The video gives insight into ways people can maximize their potential through simple self-improvement practices. 

I believe this is very important in the world of commerce, and this comes as no surprise, since Amy Cuddy is in fact a professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School and uses these insights to teach her students how to master and gain access to the opportunities they seek out.

I am not sure if its her charisma or her research which makes me excited to incorporate her recommendations into my daily life, but I do know that since watching this video I have felt confident in all sorts of nerve wracking situations. Such as, University and job interviews. I know there are some people out there, who might actually read this post and not be as in awe with Cuddy as I am. I encourage you all to “fake it ‘til you become it!”

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