Satisfries: the newest innovation in fast-food!

Isabel Vidri’s COMM 101 blog recently featured a post about Burger King offering a healthy version of the fast food classic: the french fry. I was most amused by her evaluation that Burger King was clever in developing a product that maintained the same level of consumer satisfaction without “taking the fun out of it” when she compared the new “Satisfries” with Mcdonald’s salads.

This innovative approach to junk-food is a step in the right direction for Burger King, offering similar products but capturing different consumer segments at the same time. With this new approach, it is possible that Burger King could in fact retain customers that it was bound to lose due to the increasingly pervasive culture of health and fitness. It has effectively created a “point of difference” with all of its competitors, and this new product might help it bridge the gap between Mcdonald’s, its main competitor. This story is an interesting look into how a company’s “key activities” can have a positive impact on its “value statement” and even its “revenue streams”. Burger King is bound to benefit from this new product.

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