Ethical issues at Disney

This is an interesting story as it highlights issues such as ethics within companies, as well as touching upon artistic liberties that Disney has used over the years.

Over the years, Disney has been accused of perpetuating negative ethnic and gender stereotypes (think: Pocahontas and Cinderella), and mis-educating youths on the realities of adult life. While this may be debatable, it is the most recent controversy that Disney is caught in the centre of that is interesting to view from a business perspective. The link attached is a clip from the segment of Jimmy Kimmel Live!, which airs on Disney owned ABC. The segment “Kid’s Table” is meant to provide commentary as well as satire on common issues. The one featured in the clip asks the panel of children what should be done about US debt in China.

“Killing all the Chinese” is an idea suggested by an audacious little boy (perhaps no older than 4), which sent the Chinese community in the U.S. into outrage. Disney has been trying to quell the situation through PR and Marketing “Damage Control” (i.e., public apologies). This issue brings to the surface the various ethical issues which face companies. The dilemma arises when, Kimmel, a widely-loved American comedian and household name, makes humour of U.S.A.’s debt crisis, however engages in discourse which angers a national and ethnic group.

As a comedian, Kimmel makes lots of jokes and most of them do touch on sensitive topics, but it is quite obvious that Disney is taking special interest in this particular case because of it’s financial interest in China. Should this anger us as observers? I don’t see Disney apologizing to any Aboriginal tribes of North America for misrepresenting them in Pocahontas, or to the Arab and South Asian communities of the world for mixing up their cultures in Aladin? It seems that due to China’s financial interests in China it takes special notice to this particular case. While it is a good step to rectify this mistake, Disney should make active efforts in all of its controversial involvements.

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