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PR problems with Lululemon: Should we forgive him?

Alexander Petri’s blog on the Washington Post recently featured a humorous interpretation of  Lululemon’s most recent PR fiasco. When CEO Chip Wilson famously said “some women’s bodies actually don’t work”. This was in response to a question about a defaulted batch of fabric which resulted in too-sheer yoga pants. When he said “its about the rubbing of the fabric between the thighs” we viewers could sense that the Bloomberg interview was in fact not going to be a graceful moment for […]

Satisfries: the newest innovation in fast-food!

Isabel Vidri’s COMM 101 blog recently featured a post about Burger King offering a healthy version of the fast food classic: the french fry. I was most amused by her evaluation that Burger King was clever in developing a product that maintained the same level of consumer satisfaction without “taking the fun out of it” when she compared the new “Satisfries” with Mcdonald’s salads. This innovative approach to junk-food is a step in the right direction for Burger King, offering similar products […]

How PepsiCo could help boost the Indian Economy

Yash Multani recently wrote a blog post about PepsiCo’s $5.5 bn investment in India. This venture was particularly interesting to read about due to the various stakeholders involved. Yash points out that it will benefit the Indian economy by employing from the vast pool of idle workers(creating up to 100,000 jobs), and he also identifies how it will benefit PepsiCo through reaching new customers in untapped market segments. I agree with his analysis completely, but I also would like to […]

Fake it till you become it: Cuddy urges us all to be Wonder Woman

Amy Cuddy’s TED Talk “Our bodies change our minds, and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes.” – Amy Cuddy I wanted to share this video for a variety of reasons. Firstly, I find that there is a distinct value in working on perfecting your personal image and brand (Hmm, I think that’s the aspiring Marketing student speaking up). The video gives insight into ways people can maximize their potential through simple self-improvement practices.  […]

Engineering Entrepreneurs

The Funded Who says one man can’t change the world? While I can’t speak for people attempting to transform our world one good deed at a time, I can in fact explore the work of Adeo Ressi, an entrepreneur who is changing the landscape of start-ups. Just last week I learned that 75% of all start-ups are bound to fail, this article only rubs salt on the wound when it explains that in fact 90% of all start-ups fail. All […]

Shopping straight out of the fitting rooms: H&M’s answers to the cumbersome shopping experience.

As a student, I generally do not go shopping often, however when I am downtown and walk by the storefront of H&M, I always find room in my budget to “splurge” on their cheap and thrifty fashion items. There’s something inexplicably satisfying about paying $10 for a pair of pants when they’re on sale at H&M. However, as any H&M shopper will contest, the lines are always endless. H&M’s new “state-of-the-art” Times Square store, suggests that innovation is important in even […]

Ethical issues at Disney

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_ITwbtxfiY This is an interesting story as it highlights issues such as ethics within companies, as well as touching upon artistic liberties that Disney has used over the years. Over the years, Disney has been accused of perpetuating negative ethnic and gender stereotypes (think: Pocahontas and Cinderella), and mis-educating youths on the realities of adult life. While this may be debatable, it is the most recent controversy that Disney is caught in the centre of that is interesting to view […]

DiGi Demonstrates Organizational Structure and its Importance to a Corporation.

http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2013/11/12/DiGi-revamps-organisational-structure-management.aspx Most consumers never come in direct contact with the entity behind their favourite and most essential products. In the case of telecommunications, a service we use almost every minute of every day, it is interesting to study how organizational structure actually affects the consumer experience. DiGi, is one of the largest cellular providers in Malaysia. The article attached discusses how the company looks to “re-vamp” its organizational structure, so that the company is able to provide a better service […]

Mexican Coke: better, or just more expensive?

 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-11-11/the-mexican-coca-cola-myth-its-almost-american#r=most popular “Fanatics of mexicoke” as the article mentions, were outraged when the Mexican bottler decided it was going to switch over to corn-syrup as a means of cutting costs. This public reaction suggests that there is indeed a widespread consensus between the two products (Mexican and American Coke). Reading this story made me think of the various implications it held for the Marketers of Coke. If you have been living in North America, and haven’t noticed the hype over […]

Men in Kilts! But take them seriously….

This story is humorous yet touches upon very relevant business concepts. Men in Kilts, started out in 2002 as a window cleaning service and was started out on Metro Vancouver. This same business is now in cities across North America, and has a projected revenue of $6 million this year. “You need to stick out from the crowd in this day and age. If I started Nick’s Window Cleaning, you wouldn’t be calling today”- says owner Nicholas Brand. Brand demonstrates […]

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