Beyond A Bearing Fruit

A company I consider to be entrepreneurial is Apple Inc. Based on the reading in preparation for Class 19, Apple Inc. encompasses many of the characteristics entrepreneurial ventures should exhibit.

To begin with, Apple Inc. generates a substantial amount of wealth with profits reaching US$25.922 billion. In such a competitive market, Apple Inc. faces inevitable risks particularly from its greatest competitor, Microsoft. Both multinational corporations compete to provide computer operating systems. Because of such tight competition, Apple runs the risk of making a mistake which could cause the company’s downfall. Apple is also involved in substantial innovations that gives a competitive advantage that results in wealth creation. Besides providing computer operating systems, Apple has developed numerous consumer electronics, including the iPod, iPhone and iPad, which have all been successful in the market. Additionally, Apple consistently improves and updates its electronics software. For example, the iPhone has evolved from it’s first generation to the iPhone 4s, which has received much positive feedback and popularity. As a result, Apple Inc. illustrates a prosperous entrepreneurial company.

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