Google: More Than Just Business

Google is not a multinational franchise for no reason. According to Google’s co-founder Larry Paige, Google does not just want the employees to have a great job. The company wants them to have a great life. Therefore, Google provides employees with everything they need to be productive and happy on and off the clock. From observable artifacts to espoused values and enacted values, Google fully satisfies its employees.

Based on my knowledge acquired from Class 16, Google’s success is credited to the company’s organizational  culture. As TeamTopHat illustrates in their blog, the variety of Google offices worldwide are named and decorated with what country they represent. By doing so, Google includes its employees in its organizational culture and reduces absenteeism and employee turnover. Furthermore, TeamTopHat discusses Google’s accommodations to its employees – providing bikes and scooters for easy travel between offices, internet accessibility around campus, multiple cafes providing meals and free access to recreational facilities. With such an organizational culture, Google flourishes as a prosperous company, being one of the most popular search engines on the internet. In my opinion, not only are Google employees passionate about their job, but customers are also contented with the results. Google employees’ satisfaction translates into Google customers’ satisfaction.

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